Confessions by an INFP{2}

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INFP:" sometimes I get so mad at my family for how they are treating me so I just go to have a shower ,basically having an excuse to be alone under pouring water and an Ocean of overthinking thoughts "

INFP:" I'm actually a really freindly person but because I'm so sensitive from people's words and really awkward I try to end conversation quickly with extroverts,even though I really want to get to know them"

INFP:"people tell me to hang out with them and I really want to I just have some studies to do so I tell them I don't want to go then suddenly people think I hate them"

INFP:"I hate the fact that in class , my kindnesses is really just being used by other students "

INFP:" one time there was a group of girls in my class and they were playing with my text books and writing gibberish I saw them and grabbed my confidence and started getting angry at them they left and one of them said 'geez why is she so mad for she used to be so nice' that made my temper go up,seriously what the fuck you ruin my text books that I worked hard for

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