chapter 25

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Hello beautiful, Up above is himiji castle thay i visited on my trip. Comment what Halloween costume your going As! I'm going as a dead goth girl. Have a great Halloween!


Catos POV 

'Cato I will meet you in the throne room' Lucifer says in my mind. He must be in his true form I think absent mindedly. Lucifer really has been changed by Ali. 

If I had asked him to give up his right to the throne before he had met her, he would have brutally beaten me. I was scared and saddend by the thought of killing Luke because, at one point we had been close and he was very nice to me. 

Our father on the other hand I have always hated, even before knowing the truth about him killing my mother. After I was born, it was like he threw away my mother and never looked back at her, or me. 

A while after my mother was killed he started noticing me and after some time he started coming to my room to train me in my powers & martial arts but he was never kind. 

He was brutal, mean, and uncaring. He would beat me senseless to prove his lessons. He is a cruel man and even though he is my farther I won't even feel guilty about killing him. 

I'm close to the throne room. I should have followed my instinct & heart, Luke was and is even now a kind soul. Even though I won't even blink an eye at killing him, I'm now wishing for a mate. 

That was the whole reason that a demon before becoming king had to have a mate. Someone to share their burden with, someone who would tell them they were wrong. 

To be able to trust another completely. That's what was wrong with our father among other things, he never trusted Luke's mother completely. 

He also fell in love with my mother before meeting his mate, which caused unease between him and his mate. Of course when I was younger I didn't know any of this. 

Only when I got older and talked to some of the older advisers did I find any of this out. I still can't believe I was so blind I couldn't put two and two together, and hated the wrong person. 

The throne room has big gold decorated doors. I see Luke at the doors, in his demon form. It's been so long since I have seen him in this form, I almost forgot what he looked like.

 "Ready?" Luke gives me a small smile. I shift into my second form. My demon form. Unlike Luke I only have 2 forms my human form that has forest green cat eyes but I can use most of my ability's. 

My second form makes me look like my mother, a beautiful fairy. I have pail grey skin, pail rainbow coloured wings that are thin but strong, my normal blond curling hair is long and straight, its white as paper about to my mid back, longer ears, and I'm now 7"5'. 

Our father said that every time we saw him we would have to be in our demon form or he would teach us another one of his lessons... Even now we don't stray from those teachings. 

I don't respond to Luke not out of malice but I wouldn't know what to say. All I can do is take action, I push open the doors silently... Our father is sitting on a throne of bones that are plated in gold. Around the room there are torches burning blue, which casts a ominous light.

He looks so much like Luke, but unlike Luke he is almost always in his demon form. He has big black wings, his skin is a dark grey, his eyes are entirely black with no purple, and he has big black horns.

 Even though our body ages slowly after age 20 he looks around 50, Luke and I don't know how old he is but if he looks 50 he must be really old... He has a small Gray beard, his hair is a dark grey with the ends a rich black. 

He has a permanent scowl on his face and he's resting a fist on his cheek looking bored. I start slowly walking to the middle of the throne room Luke's close behind me.

 'It's going to be okay' he sends a message in my mind I think he can tell I'm nervous. I'm not scared of killing him just anxious of what and will bring afterward. 

Luke has become kind, he would have never said that before he met Ali, it just shows how much he has changed because of her. I know that he has been changed for the better, I just hope it lasts. 

Even now that we have grown more trusting towards each other, I think. I can't help but hold on to a sliver of doubt about his change, I need to learn to trust easier. 

"Why are you here?" he pauses "... My sons" he looks at me for a brief moment while saying those words. Even though he's asking such a simple question his voice is loud and commanding. 

Our Father. Satan. Luke speaks before I can say anything, it's probably best because even though Our Father didn't like either of us he was a bit more lenient on Luke. 

"We came to talk to you about the succession of the throne my Lord." We were only allowed to call him our father when his mate was alive, after that he became cold and more commanding less room for love.

 We were only allowed to keep up tradition and Royal etiquette. He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes which are cold and unfeeling. "Have you finally decided to become king Lucifer? You have found your mate" he has always wanted Luke to be king.

 It may be because I look like my mother and don't have the abilities that Luke does or it may be something else that I can't comprehend. Even though I have more understanding of the demons and the needs of our hell.

 Luke doesn't show it but I think he's a little hesitant to answer. "I have... found my mate but I don't wish to sit on the throne." I think he's trying to make it sound as light as he can so it's easier on us. 

Satan's fake smile falls "you don't wish to sit on the throne" He says in a deadly voice pronouncing each word. Even though it worded like a question it's sounded like a statement.

 "But who else could be king, you have your mate and Cato" he laughs "he could never be king he has no mate he doesn't even wield the same powers as all the kings of hell before him, he doesn't even look like us." 

His voice is deadly sharp and venomous with no caring even though he's talking about his own son. I don't know why I can't speak, it's true I don't look like them and I don't have almost all of their abilities.

I can barely muster up enough strength to command an army with just a word. But even though I don't have all of these things that should mean I should be king I know I should be me, not Luke. I'm the best suited.

 He may have the abilities and the look but he can't think about it properly. I can. "Do you have something to say Cato?" Our fathers face looks like he knows something with a hint of sadistic Amusement in it. 

"Yes. I do. I may not look like you, act like you, or have the abilities you do but that means that I am more fit to be king then you are. It is not you or Luke who should sit on the throne. It's me."

 He laughs heartlessly "you" he says with the most doubt and amusement in one word that I have ever heard. I'm no longer scared of what will happen after I kill him, all I can think about now is killing him in the most brutal and animalistic way possible.


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