chapter 40 End

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Hello beautiful, this is the last chapter! I'm really sick right now but I wrote this chapter just for you guys! I hope you enjoy! Their will be an update next week to talk about my next book and other things!

Ali's POV

I feel warmth around me, something heavy is on my stomach and something hard is on my back. But I am engulfed in warmth. There is redness behind my eyes so I know that there is a light, but it will hurt my eyes if I open them. 

I slowly opened my eyes, the light stings for moment but passes quickly. I blink to get rid of the fog that's over my eyes. I'm in Luke's and my room, I look down and see that heavy blankets on top of me and Luke's arm is holding me close to his back. 

His cheeks are stained with tears and he holds me so tightly to him it's a little hard to breathe. I tried to take his arm off me but he just hugs me tighter which is not helpful. I try again but this time he wakes up. 

A moment of shock, sadness, and happiness passes over his eyes. How can eyes show so much? They really are like windows to the soul. "What's wrong?" Surprisingly he starts crying silently.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, I will never forgive myself" I shake my head "no it's not your fault, it's mine I'm so sorry I couldn't protect myself. All I could do is just watch as... He... They... Did, that... To me" my voice shakes and I can't put any feeling behind it except sadness. 

I can't even look him in the eye I feel so ashamed. It's all my fault, I couldn't do anything but watch. Why am I so weak? Tears fall freely for my eyes and I feel his fingers grab on to my chin and gently lead my face to his. Tears are still falling down his eyes and he gives me a small smile. 

"It wasn't your fault it was mine. I should have been able to protect you, you couldn't of fought against that. Please don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault." Somewhere in my mind I think maybe he's right maybe it's not my fault but in the rest of my being I feel that it is my fault. 

And I will never be able to forgive myself. Almost like I cheated on him. I know I couldn't have done anything but I still feel ashamed and guilty. My eyes look away from his face, guilt consuming me. 

His lips kiss my cheek, then my forehead then the tip of my nose then my chin and he's slowly kisses up to my lips. His kisses are so gentle and soft. As if, if he put any pressure he would break me. 

His hands on my chin and arm hold me as if I'm the most delicate thing on the Earth. That delicateness almost painful to me. With the last couple hours the most painful and rough things have been done to me. 

But his delicateness is almost more painful than that, like he can't bear to hold me or touch me any rougher in fear of it breaking me. I think if he hadn't been so gentle it might have broken me. 

His lips leave mine and the small trace of warmth on my lips slowly fades missing his touch. His beautiful eyes open and look deeply into my eyes, as if they're seeing through my soul, a tear escapes the side of my eye as I feel our bond connect further than I thought was possible. 

I know that he can feel everything I'm feeling and I feel like I can feel what he's feeling. He doesn't blame me, he's worried about me, and he loves me. He is so many emotions running through him right now but those are the three that come out to me so strongly.... Wait. I'm a demon now. What do I look like!? My eyes go wide and I think Luke's do to as he realizes what I'm thinking. 

He lets me go and I stand up and run to the bathroom. I feel taller and there's a weight on my back that I didn't notice before. I'm so tall that I almost hit my head on the door I reach up to feel what I almost hit my head on when I feel two horns on the top of my head.

What? I turned to the full-length mirror that's behind the door of our bathroom and stare at myself. I'm not wearing any clothes. But that's just an afterthought there are big black wings and two beautiful curling black horns on the top of my head. 

I think I've grown a foot and a half. My eyes look like cats instead of my bright blue eyes and black pupils with a gold ring around them, my eyes are now a striking blue with cat pupils. My hair is longer but black instead of brown. 

Not only did I get taller but my breasts look a little bit plumper than usual. I can't deny I kind of like this look. Amie told me that when she turned into her demon self all she had to do was think about what she look like and she turned back to her regular self. 

I start thinking about my blue eyes my long brown hair and my 5" 5' height. I open my eyes and I still look the same I can't help a panic a little. Does that mean I'll look like this forever? Luke comes up behind me and says "don't worry some people have to think differently. Close your eyes" he tells me. 

I do and his hands around my waist and pulling my body to his body it feels strange to be so tall, I don't quite fit right with him anymore I concentrate harder on how my body is supposed to feel against his. 

And slowly I feel myself I'm going back to my regular height it hurts a little but it's worth it to have that comforting feeling of being right where I need to be. "That's my girl" he says as he kisses my cheek. 

He whispers seductively in my ear "now we can have some real fun and I won't have to hold back" I turn around and look at him he was holding back? 

He laughs a little "I'm a demon you are human I can't let my beastly side come out especially during a sensitive engagement" I can't help but blush a little, if he was holding back before what's it going to be like now? 

I forget everything went just happened to me now all I want is him inside me. He slowly forms into his demon self, not his shadow for him but his demon form. He looks almost exactly like me. 

I can't help but smile I think about how I felt in his arms before and I grow back into my demon self, it hurts less now. His body looks so hot and I grabbed his arms to hug me again. Ahhh that feels right, is heat from his body is melting into mine and I can't help but feel a tightening in my abdomen, I want him so bad. 

He smells the air like dog "your scent intoxifys me, it's like you're releasing pheromones" he says seductively and my ear I feel a little embarrassed but them all of a sudden that washes away. 

I reach my hand up and stroke his face "well then you know what I want to do" I say matching his seductive tone. He lets out an animalistic growl and picks me up and throws me on the bed this is going to feel amazing.

The end


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