chapter 35

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Hello beautiful,I have a law test tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. 😢 have a great day!


Alis pov

 As soon as he puts the tiara on my head I feel a rush of warmth and power, I can't help but shiver. Cato lean down to me and whispers in my ear "you are now a princess please go to your Prince." 

I nod and walk back to Luke and sit beside him. I give him a kiss on the cheek while Cato says "this concludes the ceremony please accuse my mate and I as she is about to turn."

We all clap our hands as Cato picks up Amie in her beautiful weeding dress and walks away with her. I lean over to Luke "how long do you think is before they mate?" I say jokingly.

Luke laughs "within the hour" we laugh quietly. After a minute of laughing I ask him "so what should we do now?" The last time I was here it wasn't a great experience. 

"Do... you want to see my room?" last time I was only in the castle for a short but traumatic time, but I never got to see his room. I can't help but blush and nod. 

He chuckles and nods "ok let's go" he grabs my hand and starts leading me in a direction I assume is where his bedroom is. My face is heating up and I can't help it. 

By the time we get to Luke's room my face is a tomato and I feel a bit light headed. I can't help but want him. "When will you turn me into a demon?" As soon as I say that he stops walking into his room, so suddenly I walk into his back. 

"Never ask me that again.... please" he says in a dark voice not looking at me. He must know that he will have to turn me at some point right? "Why?" I ask a little hesitantly. 

He turns around and looks at me with a hard face "because when you are a demon you will have to eat people's souls." I knew that but for some reason now that he said it out loud it shocked me. 

I'm my moments of being shocked he turns around and walks into the room. When I have broken me inner thoughts I go into his room closing the door behind me. 

He is still not looking in my direction "I know I will have to at some point but.... Please let me keep you as you are now before I change you.... forever" I don't really understand why he is so hesitant but I will let it slide for the time being. 

I go up behind him and give him a hug "I'm sorry, let's talk about something else." He nods and sighs a little he turns around and hugs me "Ok, I'm sorry for losing my temper" he kisses the top of my head and I nod. 

In the future I will be more sensitive to this matter when talking to him. "Let's go lie down" I say as I break our embrace and walk over to the bed I lie down on the bed suddenly feeling very tiered. 

 He comes around the bed and lies behind me. He wraps his arm around my waist "you must be tiered from the crowning, you can sleep." Almost instantly I fall asleep. Feeling Luke's body heat engulf me.

I wake up to a loud bang as a beautiful maid walks in and drops whatever was in her hands. She has fiery red hair and black eyes. It's a little disturbing.

Luke is still sleeping and holding me. Something that I can't quite put my finger on passes through her eyes. The look is quickly suppressed so I don't know what it was, discussed? Anger? Lust? I just don't know. 

She bows and picks up whatever she dropped and leaves. I don't know why but this encounter has shaken me, to the Core. I'm not even embarrassed but I feel an icy chill up my spine. I continue to think about it until I end up falling back asleep.

One month later

Cato announced that Luke is now the king's adviser which he explain to me is basically his right hand man. Luke is about to go on a couple day trip, apparently a group of demons has been going to the human world and killing innocent Souls so they can enjoy the taste. 

It sounds disgusting to me but I guess it's what I have to look forward to. We still haven't talked more about me becoming a demon, every time I bring it up he changes the subject. 

I see him riding away on a hoarse made of fire. He waves to me as I watch him go off to the town were the rebel demons are. I don't know how long I can live without him. 

I don't want to be a part from him. I feel my heart tugging and aching for me to go to him. But I know I can't because he doesn't want me in danger. 

I continue to watch the path that he is on till I can't even see a bit of him left. I turn back to the castle and walk to our room. I wish I could go to Amie but she is dealing with things of the court as she would tell me. 

We have only hung out a bit since Cato and Amie got married. Cato wants her all to himself. I have been helping out the staff that work here to give me something to do. 

I have particularly gotten close to one maid named ruby. She was the one who stumbled into our room the night of the crowning. At first she had given me an odd feeling but now that I have gotten to know her she is nothing like that. 

She is nice and funny and all the maids love her. Earlier in the month Luke asked who I would like to be my personal maid and I told them her because it would more be like having a friend then a maid. 

I get to our room and lie down on the bed smelling Luke and missing him already. A few minutes later a small knock sounds on my door "come in" I say muffled by the pillow I was hugging. 

After I hear the door close I peck out of the pillow to see who is. I don't know why I am acting like a five year old but I just miss him so much. Ruby came in. 

She bowed her head and walked to the shelve, probably to clean. "What is wrong your highness?" she refuses to call me Ali. Every time I tell her to call me Ali she smiles but continues to call me highness. "Luke went away for a couple of days... I don't like being away from him." 

 She stops cleaning "He is gone?" Her back is turned away from me so I can't see her expression. "Ya... I don't know when he will be back, a day... maybe two? to long." 

She turns back to me with a smile on her face "don't worry he will be back soon, I'm positive." I nod but I don't know... She bows and asks "If you need anything just ring the bell" there is a bell on the wall that rings a bell in the staff room. I nod and she leaves, I wish he had taken me with him...


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