이십 삼: trainee

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"W-wait...no way...." you turned to face the direction of the sound. Pulling away from Yoongi's arms, you frantically tried to pull the door open, to no avail.

You feel your back pressed against his body, leaning in to check the doorknob as well. He looks down frustratedly at the lock.

"Shit, we're locked in from the outside" he sighs, punching on the door and leaning on it tiredly.

Instantly you reached out for your phone in your pocket, only to realise that everyone's cellphone was confiscated by the manager for the event.

Wait, isn't this one of those scenes in the 18+ movies where they.....

You cleared your throat nervously, patting Yoongi's shoulder.

"Yoongi..." you looked at him seriously.

"Uh, I'm legal but not ready to mingle" you turned to Yoongi who was wearing an amused expression.

"Yah, who's mingling? Let's try to find a way out of here" he pinches your cheek, a gummy smile on his lips. He then walks around the room, rummaging through the stuff.

"you really won't do anything?" you sounded a little disappointed.

Yoongi pauses in his steps, turning back again to look at you.

"Unless you want me to?.." there was a hungry expression in his eyes. He glares at you lustfully.

"Uh, I take it back" you started to move backwards as he approaches you slowly, a darkened look on his face. Your back eventually hit the wall.

You welped a little when Yoongi comes close enough to almost embrace you. He narrows his eyes, hands grazing against the skin of your neck.

He then plants a teasing kiss on the nape of your neck, and along your jawline. You flinched a little at his direct touch, skin tingling under his kisses. However, he pulls away before he could continue.

You raised your eyebrows innocently at him.

"Don't worry, I won't force myself on you. I cherish you too much to do that" he cups both your cheeks, staring into your eyes lovingly.

You felt your heart flutter with his words. Slightly flustered, you pressed his hands that was on your cheek while maintaining the eye contact.

"Yoongi.." you blurted out his name.

"yeah?" he answers.

"...Why would you like someone like me?" It was a question you've wondered for so long. He's so perfect, so talented, but why you?

He hesitates at your question, a gentle smile then forms on his face.

"....I love everything about you. Your little imperfections, your gestures...and how you seem to be the only one that can move my heart."

daegu boy.  |  min yoongi √Where stories live. Discover now