Chapter 2

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After Sam was properly dressed, and outfitted with an earpiece and hidden camera, Callen drove him to Gatter's house while Kensi and Deeks followed in another car.

"So...". Started Deeks, not liking the silence, "Why did you come to NCIS?"

"I needed a change...of scenery." answered Kensi mysteriously. "What about you? You're a detective, not a special agent."

Deeks noticed how she'd taken the spotlight off of herself, but played along, not wanting to anger her. "I'm a liaison. Pissed off enouh cops so Hetty offered me a job."

"Hetty's sweet like that." observed Kensi, "She's the one who offered me this gig too." Deeks wondered what she meant: had she pissed off people in the CIA so she needed a job? Hetty was helping her out? Before he could read into it too much though, they arrived.

Callen walked up to his car and hopped in the back, "Sam's planting bugs, Eric's got all phones tapped, and we have cameras in and outside of the house. Drive down a few blocks, to Fireoak and Main, we can monitor from there."

Deeks did as he was told while Kensi started setting up the wireless monitors they had. "What are we going to do if they make contact?" she asked them both.

"We set up a meeting and nab they all there."

"They'll fall for that?" she wondered, "they'll meet with us without shooting us?"

"If they want their guns they will."


After an hour, card games began in the agents' car. An hour later they started sleeping in shifts. While Deeks slept, Callen told Kensi about their previous missions, their old teammate, and everything she needed to know about the rest of the team.

"Finaly, Sam." said Callen. "He's gonna play mother hen, act gruff but he's just worried about you. Don't get into a knife fight with him." at Kensie's raised eyebrow he quickly added, "In training I mean. We have electric knives we can fight with. Since he was a SEAL, he's good."

She nodded but smirked. "Ill have to challenge him sometime."

Callen looked at her, startled, "Your funeral."

"And what about you? What secrets do I need to know to get on my team leader's good side?" Kensi asked, not letting him off the hook that easily.

"I can think of a few..." he said with a suggestive smirk.

"Anything that won't make me shoot you?" she huffed with a glare.

"Don't get yourself hurt. I'm responsible for you, so be safe. Trust me and Sam and Deeks." he said, looking at her with sincerity. Goose bumps erupted on her arms at his words, and she had to look away.

Trust. She hoped she could trust anyone again. He was about to inquire about her strange reaction when one of the screens went live: Sam was getting a phone call.

"Gettar." sam answered calmly, adding a new York accent to his voice to match Gettars'.

"You have what we talked abou?" asked a heavily accented voice.

"You have my money?" Sam shot back. "Tell me when and where and we can trade."

"There is a wharehouse on the corner of main and stark. Be in the main loading dock in one hour."

The line went dead, too soon for them to get a trace. Everyone in the car began to move, Deeks putting the car in gear to grab Sam.

"Here's the plan,"he explained when Sam was in the car and they were headed towards stark. "Deeks and I will come with you in case things turn ugly. Kensi, you can monitor from the car, audio and video."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at this, knowing that Eric and Hetty would be doing the exact same thing and it was useless for her to do the same.

"You're not going out on an undercover opp on your first day of the job." he said decidedly. "I'm jot risking it."

Kensie shrugged, not wanting to argue with her new team so soon. "You're in charge."

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