Chapter Three

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The warehouse was quiet... Too quiet... In fact, Callen was sure that no one else was in the building but them.

"Keep you eyes open gentleman," said Hetty over their earbuds, "this could be a set up."

Suddenly, all radio and video feed died, someone had a signal jammed near by. "Damn." said Hetty as they settled back to wait, there was nothing they could do.

Back in the warehouse, all guns were drawn and they searched in vain for anyone. Suddenly, the door they came in closed and locked. And a voice spoke through it: "You didn't actually think we would pay that absurd price for some guns did you?" it asked. "We take what we want now."

"Great." said Deeks, "Now they're gonna go back to our car and find out we're liars, and well never catch them."

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" exclaimed Callen, frantically searching for something to pick the lock on the door with. "No, they're gonna go to our car and find our one, new agent there like a sitting duck!" they all looked at him in horror, knowing it was true and that these guys were ruthless.

"Move." said Sam as he lined up to ram the door over. "We got to hurry."


Kensi fiddled with the monitors in vain, the only one that worked was the one showing her car. Someone behind her cleared there throats, and she spun around, weapon at the ready.

Five thugs, huge russian men, stood between her and the warehouse. All held guns.

"Boss doesn't want any bodies." he instructed in Russian. Kensi smiled, understanding, and holstered her own weapon, feigning surrender.

"Where are the guns we were promised?" asked the apparent leader of the group. Kensi thought for a second, not sure how to approach this.

"What guns?" she asked. The man looked at two of his colleagues and nodded. On walked up and trapped her, pinning her arms behind her back. The other punched her across the face, hard, and then sent an uppercut to her diaphragm. Blood dripped down her face from her nose, but she still smiled. They had all holstered their weapons. She could strike now.

"I'd hate to hit a pretty thing like you again, so I'll ask you one more time. Where. Are. My. Weapons?" he asked with a sneer.

Instead of answering, she swung her legs up to hit him in his chest, knocking him over backwards. She headbutted the man holding her from behind, breaking his nose. As he howled in pain he let go, and she quickly kneed the man who had punched her in the groin, and kneed him thin the face as he bent over, knocking him out.

One of the other men jumped her from behind, slamming her hard into the concrete. She knew he was bigger and that it would be trouble if she got pinned, so Kensi slammed his head into the concrete. He would at least have a major concussion, if he wasn't dead.

Two down, three to go.

Before she could even catch her breath, she was pulled to her feet by the collar of her flannel shirt, and then punched so hard in the cheek that she slammed back into the concrete. She scrambled out of the way of the kick aimed at her and leapt to her feet. The man in charge was hanging back as his two remaining goons circled her, not wanting to get his hands dirty, but anxiously watching he door he'd locked the other men in. He didn't want them joining this fight.

When he looked back, the girl was sparring with two of his men at once, and landing two hits for eveyone one of theirs. Another one of his men dropped after a kick to the temple. The boss sighed and drew his gun: he hadn't wanted it to come to this, but they were running out of time.

Kensi backed up as the man she was fighting pulled a wicked looking knife out. She managed to dodge his first two strikes, and slammed a knee into his stomach just as he slashed a deep gash into her back. They bob backed up warily. She was aware of the other man, the one who was in charge, on the other side of the car, but would deal with him later. Suddenly, the man tackled her, plunging the knife into her thigh as she fell. She elbowed him in the back of the head and he dropped like a stone as she whimpered in agony.

She could hear her teammates struggling against the door of the warehouse and realized she needed to let them out. As she struggled to her feet though, she heard the cocking of a gun behind her whirling around, she had time to rip the knife from her leg and throw it just as the man emptied his clip into her chest. She thought to herself how morbidly ironic it was that they both fell at the same time, by each others hand before she collapsed in pain. The world danced in and out of focus as She gasped for breath.

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