Chapter four

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Sam slammed into the door yet again and it finnally collapsed just as they heard at least six gunshots. The three agents sprinted out in time to see their newest agent fall to the ground as well as the man who'd shot her.

Before they could reach her, Deeks saw the bomb strapped to the door and the timer.

"Guys! Bomb, thirty seconds!" he yelled, fishing the keys out of his pocket as Callen scooped up Kensi from the ground.

"Wait!" she moaned weakly, "The guy with the knife in him is the leader. Bring him." she instructed. Sam Dragged the moaning man to the trunk.

"Deeks!" he yelled as the detective ran to open the trunk.

"Deeks!" shouted Callen, his hands full with Kensi as he motioned for Deeks to open his door. With Sam riding shotgun, Deeks careened out of the parking lot, turning onto the main road just as the warehouse exploded.

"get to the hospital. Quickly!" called Callen from the back seat. He had Kensi sprawled out with her head on his lap as she struggled to breath.

"I'm fine," she interrupted, waving his hands away as he unbuttoned her shirt. "I was wearing a vest, it just knocked the wind out of me." she gasped.

"He shot the whole magazine at you, and none punctured?" asked Sam from the front seat. "You're sure?"

"Positive.". She moaned as they went over a bump in the road, "But I'm gonna have some bruises."

Callen finished with her shirt and stared in disbelief at the bulletproof vest she was wearin: seven bullets were lodged in it, in a crooked line across just below her heart. He sighed in relief, seeing no blood there.

"Didn't realize you were so eager to see me without a shirt on." she joked, smirking even as she winced. He smiled and took off his own, pressing it to the knife wound on her leg.

"Now were even. Take us to OSP Sam."


"I can walk!" protested Kensi as Callen carried her into the boatshed, where Hetty was set to meet them.

"Yeah, but you'd get blood on the carpet." said Sam, proping he door open for them. Deeks was headed to the hospital with the man Kensi had speared, he had a minor knife wound to the stomach, but legally they had to get him treated.

Sam handed her a washcloth for her bloody face as Callen set her down on a table. Gingerly, she runner the blood off of the blooming bruises she knew she was going to have. Callen pulled out a first aid kit and applied butterfly stitches to the cut on her forehead and the deeper gashes on her shoulders.

"You fell? Really?" joked Sam, trying to take her mind of the cuts G was cleaning.

"Well, you were wrestling with that door so someone had to take care of the ground."

"We need to stitch up youreg for real," interrupted Callen, "It's deeper than I thought it was.". Kensi looked at the gash, still oozing blood onto her favorite jeans.

"These were my favorite jeans too!" she grouched.

"Do you have something you can change into so I can take care of it?" he asked.

"Yeah, can you get my bag from my desk?" she asked Sam. He nodded and quickly walked off.

"I need you to take off the vest. So I canmake sure you don't have any broken ribs." Callen tapped on the velcro straps just above her waist. Kensi nodded and grimaced as she moved to take it off.

"Theyre...definately- ouch!- bruised.." Callen lifted it over her bead, leaving her in a sportsbra that was almost as black as the bruises covering her torso.

"Damn." said Callen, as he helped her lay down, "Those are impressive."

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