don't cover me

193 31 16

—i begged you to heed me
my mantra, my grief
but dead kids don't mean much
to the dirt darkened streets
and my body's possessed by
everyone except me

alone in the shade
in the rain
you left me
i'm fading now stranger
this once, you agree
brush the dirt off of my heart
and use it to set me free

well, lay me down in the reeds
don't cover me in suffering weeds
and leave me, leave me be
glance over your shoulder
but never
chase down my eyes in the river
leave me, leave me be


Gracelessly,                         RB

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a/n: real talk. so kids are being kept in cages in america. land of the free. refugees fleeing death and danger are treated like criminals for wanting to be safe. our president is saying things that sound eerily like nazi ideologies. this is it. we learned in school about the holocaust. about Japanese internment camps. about slavery and oppression and wars and fascism and this is it. right here in 2018 kids are being treated like animals. it's not enough that he's signed something to stop it. it just means the families will be imprisoned together. i'm ashamed of this country. i'm disgusted by our government that has lost 1,500 children. it's revolting. this isn't the free world. it's never been. i believe we can be. but right now we're far from it. i don't know what can be done. i don't know what i could do being basically a kid myself. i'm just so tired of this.

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