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—i am a perfectly bred renaissance
when my mother rebirthed me, she screamed
and passed it on to the tiny thing she crafted
and named me after bells through the night
dreams unwinded
wouldn't you love to love me?

the men i've known have never known me
their eyes skirt the edge of my form
their eyes never care to meet mine
the men i've known talk to me like a child
yet i'm the one with the contrapposto mind
posture so casual it contrasts with my heart

my magick lacks in disputable color
whatever the moon whispers, that's what i am
i inhale her dust and take the form of her love
fluidity has no shape, it is only a spectrum
he watches my body as it shifts on the spot
he falls to his knees muttering prayers to his god

and the woman who's middle name means beauty

if awe was a song that's what he'd be crooning
if love was a ritual sacrifice i would be sinning
come to me darling, festering in the moonlight
bring the ingredients parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme
and he will remember me and he will remember my eyes
i swear to god this time
he will remember my eyes


Divinely,                          RB

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