word spew (this is what's born from my anger and shame)

161 21 3

—furious sounds a lot like curious
both of which are trying to kill me

saltwater lips spread thin along chipped teeth
chip on the door frame
those things that never really tasted sweet

cheeks touch and hands rub but they don't really understand us, do they?

a close call to a kiss
a cut away to a distraction
but what are kisses to fists and punches?

so fish out your heart from your suitcase
said you put it there for safe keeping
i believe it was for easy moving
but i digress

leap out the window with your heart in hand
still leaking blood
make it stop, clot, stop beating
and show up on my door step


where you chipped your left front tooth
(it's cute, i swear, it's cute)
my hands are slick with sweat and chemicals but you take them anyway

believe me
it doesn't matter where our hands have been
what matters is where they are now

'cause i'm dying
you've got to help me
place your drained heart in my chest
you said you'd give me your heart, so give it to me

i was furious
too curious
but with you here feeding me your life form
they can't kill me



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