Chapter 6 - Voicemail

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This is Holvan's Sushi hotline VoiceMail, to say that we aren't open this Weekend and we are sorry if this caused any inconvenience.
We will back and running as always on Monday.
Hope you have a nice weekend!


"Why so glum?" Sara said walking back into the room, with two bowls of popcorn in her arms. She slumped down next to me in our homemade nest of duvets, pillows and cushions.

"No reason," I said, sitting up to insert the DVD into the TV. It was late evening and I was at Sara's house for our weekly movie night.


"Sorry?" I said I didn't hear what she said, I was caught up in thought.

"I said you're a liar. You're lying to me. So I'll ask again, why so glum?"
My eyes fell on my phone, lying between us.

"It's Jamie isn't it?"

"No!" I said to quickly, but then an idea clicked. "..wait, I mean, yeah. Yeah, it is... He keeps texting asking to meet up, alone."

"You know how much of a crush he has for you, saying yes will just lead him on, just tell him no," Sara said with a mouth full of popcorn. She made it sound so easy.

"Too late"

"Idiot. Where, when and what time?"

"Coffee shop on the corner, 3 weeks time, 5-7ish"

"3 weeks?!" She practically screamed.

"It was the only time we were both free"  I lied.

"But you do nothing!"

"Shh, he doesn't need to know that! I told him I do tennis with you." I said proudly popping a popcorn piece into my mouth.

"Phhhahahaha, you, tennis? Yeah right." She said, laughing so much she had to clutch her stomach as she doubled in half.

"Stop!" I said, starting to laugh alongside her. "I was just trying to put him off!"

"Thank god we have enough time to plan."

"Plan what?"

"A way to get him to stop liking you. I'll be in the coffee shop too so don't worry. I'll be there in case he tried to make a move."

"Thank you, Sara, you're the best!"

"I know I am."

I started the movie but the only thing I could think of was the voicemail.


Hi guys!

I've decided to do a few normal chapters like this one to split up the heavy dialogue. Not too many, just enough to see what happens on the other side of the phone calls.


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