Chapter 25 - The Sushi Hotline Voice

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"Severely dyslexic"
I said finishing her sentence.

She knew.
She knew I was dyslexic and all this time I tried so hard to stop her from realising.

I hated it. I hated myself, I hate my brain for being different, for being so god damn stupid.
The only thing I wished for was to be normal. But I'm too stupid to do the basics. I can't read because the words move, I can't write because my handwriting sucks. And I hated it.

I was stupid for thinking someone as intelligent as she would fall for someone as stupid as me. I got my hopes up but let reality crash then back down because I was just a friend made over the phone.

But for a moment, with her standing so close to me, everything disappeared. All worries, all issues, gone.

She grabbed my hand which made me jump a little, but I softened to her touch slowly. She held on tight, her delicate fingers wrapped around my larger palm.

"Ed, Dyslexia does not make you stupid, it is a disorder that doesn't define who you are. You're perfect just the way you are. Yes, you may have to face this challenge in life, that will stop you from many things but don't let it label you or evidently effect you."

My second hand subconsciously grabbed her other hand as she spoke. My heart aching for the support, a lump forming in my throat at the sheer faith she had in me.

"You are intelligent, much more than you realise Ed. You're smart, you're kind and I don't give a damn if you can't read or write, or that your handwriting is a mess."

I smiled at the last part, choking though a small laugh, my eye-line falling to the floor for a moment before looking back at Annie as she continued to speak.

"Except it and move on. Be proud of it but don't let it put you down. I want you to be happy Ed. I hate not talking to you, I hate seeing you like this. I enjoy our talks through the hotline, much more than you probably realise. Ed please, I want you to be happy."

I was in complete shock to be completely honest. I was frozen, I couldn't move. She has so much faith in me, so much more than anyone has ever had before. My heart was pounding through my chest at just the fact she was standing so close to me, her hands round mine.

I had always admired her from a distance, since the start of the year she kept brushing past me in the halls. Just a little say crush I kept telling myself. But when she starts to call on the hotline, everything changed.
We talked, we had proper conversations. I saved her from a crowded group at a party. I did so much yet always stepped back into the shadows.

But she's here. Standing in front of me. She understands. She isn't embarrassed as most girls are after learning why I take separate lessons.
I was smiling stupidly, I could tell but the softness of her brown eyes melted my insides. She had me completely under her control.

"For gods sake man just kiss her already!" I heard someone shout. I felt myself blush a little at the stupid comment.

She blushed also so with a rush of adrenaline I had the guts to ask;

"May I?"

With the clear consent from Annie, I ran my hand across her jaw line, cupping her face. I didn't take my eyes off hers until I closed them and leaned in.

With a rush of adrenaline, I pushed my lips up against hers. Forgetting about my friends behind me, forgetting about everything and just focusing on Annie.

The girl who fell for the Sushi Hotline voice, a guy who was head over heels for her.




Thank you so much for reading!

I actually loved writing this so much! It's weird how you can become so attached to characters in such a short amount of time.

Eddie and Annie are just adorable. I love them. They're just so cuteee.

Maybe I'll write an epilogue? I don't know.
Update: and epilogue may be in the making...

I have started to publish my new story:
Go check it out and show some love <3

Anyway! I hope you enjoyed Sushi Hotline!
(I know it's a pain to ask but please if you did enjoy do Vote Comment and Share, it would mean a lot)

OMG OMG Thank you all so much for 5k reads!! That's mental that's crazy I am insanely grateful for every reader, Voter and commenter.
You guys are awesome
2nd Edit;
Now I'm on 10k reads and I don't know how to function this is crazy. I'm highly grateful for everyone who reads votes and comments. You guys are amazing!
3rd Edit...
I can't even begin to describe how crazy this is...26.5k reads and 1.46k votes. This is pretty damn cool so thank you 🙏

I've been so busy with life I forgot I owned this account until now.
107k reads and 5k votes... is honestly incredible I never thought a small piece of writing I did for fun would reach so many people and that so many people would enjoy it! I appreciate every vote and every comment! 😊

I finally remembered my password and seeing the support I still get for this story is amazing. 194k reads and 9.44k votes is insane! Thank you for all the lovely comments and messages, it makes me so happy that you guys enjoy this short fun story!
In this time, stay safe and stay healthy all x

275k reads and 14.1k votes.
To think I use to say my thanks for 5k reads is INSANE!! You guys have brought back my passion for writing and I cannot thank you enough.
Keep sharing the love and pursing what makes you happy, don't worry about what others have to say.
Stay safe, wear a mask, stay happy.
And genuinely, thank you, for making me smile when I open up Wattpad xx

Happy New Year!
550k reads and 31.2k votes !
I love coming back to this page to see how far my little story has come! Two years ago I would never have thought so many people would read it!
I hope the new year brings you all the joy and happiness you deserve <3

It's been a while!
If you made it this far, THANK YOU! 595k reads!? Absolutely insane, and your comments still crack me up haha!
I've been very busy at University recently, however for an assessment I had to write a couple of plays and after receiving high compliments from some successful people about my writing skills it urged me to come back!
Perhaps I'll share the script if people are interested?
As always thank you for the constant support and keeping my little story alive!

As always, keep reading!

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