22. Faith in Fate

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Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.” – Lemony Snicket.


“Shopping with you guys is really fun, we should totally do this more often.”

Tiolu flashed a demeaning glare up at her twin brother, and shook her head. “Uhm nope, I don’t think so. You’re just gonna use this opportunity to mooch stuff off Anjola and myself for your girl-friends and then brag to them that you know these stuffs when you actually don’t.”

Lekan frowned, while Anjola chuckled from his side. Tiolu on the other hand – increased her pace, and left the duo behind in the particular segment. It was Wednesday evening, and she had taken a leave of absence so she could embark on her shopping spree with Anjola. What she wasn’t counting on however, was her twin brother showing up. Anjola on the other hand didn’t seem bothered, or rather – surprised he showed up. She couldn’t help but feel that something fishy was going on between the two.

She hoped fervently that it wasn’t the notion, her paranoia was cooking up because the pair wasn’t exactly the best romantic match. The last person she wanted to involve her best-friend with in a relationship, was her brother. It made her seem like a bad family person, but despicable or not – Lekan was a play-boy and she didn’t want him messing with Anjola’s head. Her friend was the embodiment of the – ‘take home to mama and papa, qualities.’ And she knew for sure Lekan wasn’t searching for such thing currently.

“Why are you my sister if you can’t support me in whatever evil thing I scheme?” He drawled hazily from behind, while he exchanged little chatter with Anjola.

“And why are you my brother, if you cause me more pain than joy.”

“Are you serious?” Lekan’s voice was laced with amusement. “C’mon, it’s a pre-requisite for brothers to be a pain in the ass to their sisters. If a male sibling isn’t exhibiting such trait then they should check him just in case he is from an alien planet, and he is here for reconnaissance mission, you know like one of those fake babies from BabyCorp or whatever the name of that baby company was in the Boss Baby movie.”

Tiolu only rolled her eyes at her twin brother’s lame attempt at humor, but her best-friend on the other hand couldn’t seem to contain her laughter. She wondered why it was so. Lekan wasn’t that funny, she thought. Infuriating and annoying yes, but funny – not that much.

“Good, you’ve watched the Boss Baby, then you’d know that as the older sibling – I’m entitled to being a jerk also.” She replied, halting at a particular segment of racks stacked with skin-care materials, perfumes, deodorants and other miscellaneous feminine stuff.

“You’re not the elder sibling, we’re twins.” Lekan retorted. “And if there is anyone who is older, it’s me – because I was delivered first. Mom and dad told us that, back in primary school.”

“I’m Kehinde, you’re Taiwo.” She analyzed, her gaze navigating the shelves. “Haven’t you heard of the folk-lore, Anjie can you please help me out here?”

Anjola came up behind her, but inclined her gaze at Lekan who stood motionless behind them. “I’d love to, but then that’d take all the fun out of it, since Lekan would definitely find nothing wrong in what I’d say. And I’ve not exactly had my fill of you guys banter today, so please continue.”

“If you really love our banter so much, I can hit mom up and tell her to add you to our Whatsapp group chat, ASAP.” Tiolu’s monotone rose in interest, as a look of horror took up residence on Anjola’s face. “Don’t worry, mom loves you a lot. Sometimes, I know she wishes I was just like you.”

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