• B a t t l e S c a r s •

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Song: Butterfly - BTS

Don't hide your scars under your sleeves. Don't cover them up. They are the imprints that tell the story of you. The battles you have fought just to see another sunrise. The times you almost gave up but didn't. The moments you fell down but always rose back up. They are parts of you that yell out your story of survival. They are YOU. Don't ever try to hide those marks, honey, that scream out to the world of how strong you truly are and how much more stronger you can be.


You are stronger than you think and you can be stronger than you believe.


QOTD: This isn't exactly a question but more of a task. I know a lot of the people who come across my book is to read something that relates to them or to gather some strength when they feel broken.

This is to all my fellow writers/poets and readers (even if you read this in future), leave a message here. Leave it for all those lost souls and for each other. Leave a message of encouragement and strength.

Show your little support for all these amazing people who don't realise just how immensely loved they are.

Leave a word or two, but make sure you definitely do.

Write it down in the comments section so that anyone who finds himself/herself anytime here can scroll through them and maybe, just maybe feel a little better.

Address the comment to 'Dear Amazing Human'.

Let's do it. I've left one as this chapter.

It's your turn to show a little kindness and support now.

I know you all care. I know. Let them know too.


S O W E D |poetry|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora