• T o o H a r d •

642 85 52

Song: Aside - SHINee

I guess I tried too hard
so much
that instead of mending
it broke apart



I just want to remind you all that this book is not only about a few poetries put together to form a collection.

It's my way of trying to get close to those who need somebody. Those who need to hear the words no one tells them. Those who need someone to understand.

I have said this right from the introduction chapter, this book is less about me and more about us. Sometimes I write about me and sometimes I write about you and sometimes about us. I don't ever tell which one is me but does it matter? What I really wanted was to let you know that you're not alone in whatever you're going through right now. I maybe be a part too. And if not me, then there are others (other readers) who are. You are NOT alone.

This recent news has truly left me devastated, more than you'll know and I've realised that I need to be with you all more. Even when I'm busy, I have to take out a few hours of the day and be here. For that one person who might be looking, who might be searching for a friend.

I've said I'm here and I want to be here. And I will be.

I am here for you. Please let me in. Take care of yourself. Whatever you're going through right now, if you need to talk to somebody, then do. Don't wait it out. Do it right away.

Holding it in is not going to help anyone. Let it out. Let it out to someone. Let it out to me?

I maybe a stranger or maybe a friend to you...either ways, I'll be listening. A stranger can't harm you and a friend would never even try.

You people are so beautiful and so good at heart, you don't deserve to hurt like this, not a second longer.

Having a few flaws doesn't define our whole existence. Rather, it is a part of it. Imperfections are a part of beauty. Don't let those flaws become your identity and a base for your decisions.

You have to know this. And I'm here to tell you so.

Try to help yourself.
And if you can't, let me give it a try too.
But you have to take at least one tiny step forward. You need to come out of the hiding and try with me.

Just try.


S O W E D |poetry|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt