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I grew in the wild. All I've ever known is
to be fierce and how to be free. I was always meant to be different, always meant to belong to a place that holds and nurtures me like its own but doesn't bound me to itself. I am the flower that looked beautiful but no one dared to touch for I knew well who was my own and who wasn't.

I am a wildflower, honey. And only the best deserve me.


A/N: Another year ends today. And another starts. And our lives...continue.

In a way, this day is truly one of those magical ones. The way it holds the distance of 365 days in just 24 hours. On one side of this day stands an end and on another, a beginning.

Past five months have been by far the most amazing Wattpad time I've ever had in the three years since I created this account. To tell you the truth, I never came on Wattpad to write. I couldn't have imagined it back then that I'd be writing this book someday. But now that I am, I feel like it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Today, S O W E D completes five months and stands at number 1 as we enter into a new year. I have reached a thousand followers and I'm still so clueless as to what would they even want to have to do with me. But I'm still glad to be surrounded by all these beautiful people of my Wattpad family. I'm just another ordinary girl in the world, trying to make a change. A small but necessary change. A change in people's heart for others and a change in their hearts for themselves.

As we walk into this new year, all I really hope is that we'd all learn to love ourselves a little more and appreciate what we are maybe just a bit. I know some of you are too blinded by world's judgements and opinions to see what a beautiful soul you truly are but don't worry, I'm here to remind you that from time to time.

I'm here. I've said this before and I say it again. I promise to try to help in the ways that I can help you, lovelies. Point is not to solve all the issues but to try and begin somewhere. Let's do it together. With each other. For one another. For others out there doing the same. Let's do it together.

Wishing you all the best wishes for the the coming future as we stand and smile goodbye to the past.

And finally...

Dear Me,

You've been really strong this here. Not many realise this but you know. And sometimes, it's enough if we recognise our own struggles. You've held on and you've held on with all your heart even when it ached. I hope these struggles will pay off and that next year would be a better and beautiful one.

Goodbye, 2017. Thank you for what you gave. But like someone I know once said, FUCK YOU.

Welcome, 2018. You better be nice.





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