Spell 38

831 14 5

You will need the following items for this spell:

sea salt or table salt
sea shell
Access to a body of water weekly (lake, ocean, pool)

Fill your bowl or cup half way with water. Add a little bit of salt. Stir until the salt dissolves into the water. Now add a pinch of sugar and mix it around, the sugar does not have to be dissolved into the water. Drop the sea shell into the potion, and swirl the cup in a circular motion. Put the potion down on a table and place your hands over the top of your bowl/cup. Say this spell three times.

"I wish I may,
I wish I might,
Be a mermaid by morning light.
If not tonight,
Then tomorrow,
If not tomorrow,
Then the next,
but mermaids of the sea,
Don't forget about me"

Drink the potion. After that go to the nearest body of water to you, (lake, ocean, swimming pool), and fully submerge yourself.


- Tingling legs
- Tendency to keep legs together
- Craving salt
- Longing to be in water

Chance ••ooo

~ Warning ~

This spell turns you into a mermaid whenever you get wet, you cannot control if you transform or not. Do this spell at your own risk.

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