Creative Guidelines

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Guidelines for Creative Writing

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Guidelines for Creative Writing

We will be hosting to two types of creative writing prompts, contests and challenges.

Contests: Will be judged, and deliver a clear score based winner. Winners will be featured in the 'Super Collection: Creative Heroes' as a reward.

Challenges: Not judged or scored, purely curated for our reading list based on quality and no limit to the amount curated. Those submissions deemed good enough to be appreciated will be added to the creative challenge reading list.

Both will receive their own creative prompt, duration and word counts each time as determined by whoever is taking lead.

Tip: we suggest you make a new book, solely for the purpose of writing challenges and prompts. Tag it #SuperCreative

Guidelines regarding submissions:

All submissions must adhere to the Wattpad content guidelines.

No mature rated stories, this is a community profile.

All submissions must be in English. We apologize for this, but that is the extent of our language capabilities.

Must have a clear Superhero theme within the story.

Clearly name the title of the chapter your story is posted in: Super Creative, followed by the prompt name.

All stories must be original work. We are looking for those unique and thrilling pieces.

Add the tag #SuperCreative to the book your story will be posted in on Wattpad.

You can dedicate the chapter to @superhero, so we will be notified about it but it's not compulsory.

Submissions are open to anyone adhering to all the above-listed guidelines.

How to submit:

· Leave a comment in the prompt chapter with the following information:

o Username:

o Story title:

o Word count:

o Link to your story:

· Someone will reply accepted once your entry has been noted and logged.

· We retain the right to refuse any submission that did not follow the above-mentioned guidelines and to do so without notification.

· When submitting for a CONTEST please bear in mind that should your piece be chosen to feature in the Creative Heroes, you will be asked to email the written work to us. We in return promise to handle your written work with respect and to give the proper credit to you in the anthology.

· Failure to respond will result in you forfeiting your spot to the next highest scored submission.

How will your submission be judged?

Contests: This will be determined by the details pertaining to the specific active contest, whatever is most effective in the given situation.

Challenges: There is no judging, but we will curate only the best of the submissions for our reading list.


Contests: Winners will be featured in the 'Super Collection: Creative Heroes' as a reward.

Challenges: Those submissions deemed good enough to be appreciated will be added to the creative challenge reading list.

Both will receive a shout out and a sticker if applicable.

Super-Community: Contests & ChallengesWhere stories live. Discover now