We Hang Out

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When we hung out we decided to go walking on the beach. Just talking and walking. The bad part was that I had a feeling something bad was going to happen, and nine out of ten times I was right. It also seems that nothing can go perfect with me. It was only a matter of time before he started ignoring me just like everyone else. "How about you tell me a little bit about yourself," he said. Putting my happy thoughts aside I replied with "Um well there's not really much to tell." He gave me a look that said seriously? and said "I highly doubt that."

"Well Mr.Know-it-all how about you tell me about you so I have a good example." He seemed to perk up a little at this. "Well for starters I'm the son of Hades, my favorite color is black, and I used to play mythomagic."

"No shit?"

"Yeah I know it's really dumb and-"

"No that's awesome! I used to play too!"



"I guess there's one thing we have in common."

"Okay so facts about me. I'm a daughter of Artemis, the only daughter, I'm not really into the whole hunt idea, and my favorite colors are black, green, and purple."

"Why don't you like the hunt?"

"No boys ever, taking orders for eternity, and it's not what I want to do. She didn't even give me a choice she just said 'hey you're going to be a hunter and it'll be great!' But no one ever asked how I felt about it. Sorry you don't need to know all of my problems."

"Yes I do. If I know your problems maybe I can help you solve them."

"I highly doubt you can do that."

"I'm Nico di Angelo."


"So if I can survive Tartarus I think I can solve a few simple problems."

"They aren't simple problems." My anger started rising by the second. "You can't just tell a goddess 'hey I think your idea is stupid so I'm not going to listen to you!' I have so much expected of me! I can't just ignore that! You wouldn't know what that feels like you're just like every other demigod in existence!"

And with that I stormed off back to my cabin.

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