The Argument Continues

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Author's note: If you like Percy Jackson and the show Merlin please go check out a story by my friend SeraphinaShade1217. The story is titled Meeting With Destiny... and Some Other Guys it's a crossover that's not done yet but I think it's good and I would appreciate it if you read it. Thanks!


As I was storming off back to my cabin I had a swarm of thoughts running through my mind. He's just like everyone else, but if he is then why did he talk to me? How does he think he can just "simply" fix my problems? Maybe I shouldn't have exploded on him. I havn't had a friend in a while....what am I thinking?! I don't need anyone. I can get by just fine on my own. I've made it this far by myself and I can keep going like this just fine. I lay down on my bed and try to fall asleep. It takes a while but I finally succeed and drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Around noon the next day is when he came up to me. I was practicing my archery on a dummy and by the time I was through with it it had a waterfall of straw coming out of its face. Needless to say I was still a bit angry, but I hid my emotions. "Hey," he said glancing at my bow then meeting my eyes. "Why are you here?" was my only response as I continued to demolish the practice dummy. "I wanted to apologize, but not for everything I said," he said without taking his eyes off of me. Without looking over I say "go ahead."

"I apologize for calling it a simple problem because you're right it's not that simple. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to solve. And you're also right about the fact that I don't understand your mothers expectations, but I don't believe someone should have to go along with something they don't want to do. Demigod or not."

I briefly turn to look into his eyes. He stares right back at me his gaze unwavering. He sounds sincere and looks dead serious....but I can handle my own problems.

"I accept your apology and appreciate your opinion but I can handle my own problems thanks." I say as I turn to continue shooting the dummy, but before I can fully turn away he grabs my wrist. "Let go of me," I hiss trying to rip my arm from his grip, but he holds on tight. "I don't know why you think you don't have a choice or why you think you have to do this alone. I'm only trying to help. You're not helpless and you're certainly not weak so why do you put up with it? If you won't accept my help why don't you fight back yourself? Why do you try and fulfill her expectations? Not only is it affecting your life it also leads your mother to believe that you're okay with her ideas. You're only hurting yourself when you act like this."

I can see in his eyes that he's angry. Rather than responding I yank my arm from his grasp and turn away from his gaze to continue firing at the dummy with renewed force.

"Fine have it your way," he says colding turning away. He starts to walk away then without turning around he says in a calmer voice "Just think about what I said okay?"

And with that he walked away leaving me to ponder all that had just occurred.

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