Life Sucks

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Author's Note: If you like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson you should check out a fanfiction that my friend percabeth7687 wrote. It's called The Rising she also wrote a Mortal Instruments and Divergent fanfiction. So go check those out and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


My day was going horribly. Nico and I are still mad at each other so whenever we're in the same room it makes everyone in the room, including us, want to leave as fast as possible, my mother is sending me on a quest, which is when Nico so stubbornly insisted that he should come with me, and on top of that I made everyone decide that they should stay even farther away from me than they already were when I scared a girl with dirty blonde hair from the Athena cabin half to death in my walk of wrath back to my cabin. Why was I having a walk of wrath you ask? 

Because life sucks.


It went a little something like this: 

My mother sent me an Iris message while I was sitting in my room engrossed in my thoughts and being mad, so when she called out "Hey!" I, being shocked, naturally grab the celestial bronze knife from my boot and throw it directly through the Iris message, thus ending it. She sent another one seconds later. "That was good aiming but I'd prefer it if you let me talk before you hang up on me," my mother said with a grin. "I have a quest for you if you're up for it"

"Of course I'm up for it," I say immediately. She grins even wider at that. "Of course you are. I need you to kill a drakon and skin it for me. Then I can see how much you've improved and I can use the drakon skin for my own purposes. You also get to get out into the world and do something. It's a win-win situation really."

"So do you want me to do this alone?" I ask. She tilts her head and thinks for a second before replying "You can if you want to but it would be much more difficult and you need to learn to work with a team since you will have to work with the other girls once you join the hunt. Well I must be off. Iris message me once you have the drakon skin and I will come pick it up. Good luck on the quest! I'll be watching!" My mother ran her hand through the mist on Olympus, breaking the connection, and she was gone.

I left my cabin to take a walk and get some fresh air to help me mull over my thoughts, when I ran into Nico. I mumbled "sorry," and tried to walk around him but he stopped me. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a walk," I reply trying to sidestep around him again. He lets me this time, and then starts walking along side me.

"What are you doing?" I ask getting annoyed.

"Taking a walk with you," he states flatly. "What's on your mind?"

"I would prefer to walk alone thank you and that is none of your concern," I reply sternly making sure not to look at him. 

You know that thing where supposedly if you ignore it the thing will go away after a while? Yeah that doesn't work.

At first I just kept trying to tell him to go away and that I was fine, but he just wouldn't stop pressing it. After a while I just ignored him but he still kept asking. At one point he started poking me in the arm. Finally I exploded.


He just stood there shocked by my outburst so I took the opportunity to start walking off. He came back to his senses a few seconds later and started to follow me again. This time with even more questions.

"Wait...I don't remember seeing you go to the attic of the big house and Chiron didn't announce your quest, so how did you get a quest?" he asked with a puzzled look.

"This quest won't have a prophecy. I didn't get it from Chiron or the Oracle. I should stop calling it a quest it's more like an errand," I reply.

"Hold on I think I just figured it out. Did your mother give you this quest-errand thing? Do you want to do this quest? Have you thought of how to tell your mom you don't want to be part of the hunt? What is the quest-errand thing? When-" I clamped my hand over his mouth and looked him dead in the eyes with pure anger. 

"Will you please shut up," I say dangerously calm. "My quest-errand thing, as you like to put it, is to kill a drakon, skin it, and give the skin to my mother. I am leaving as soon as possible and yes my mother is the one who assigned me this quest. I intend to complete it, without argument, and I've already told you that I can solve my own problems when it comes to the hunt. Now if you'll excuse me," I say still irritated as I remove my hand and start to walk away when he stops me.

"You can't kill a drakon by yourself!" he shouts.

"Watch me," I reply walking off.

"Let me come with you. I can help with your quest and we can get to know each other better along the way," he says.

I snort, "what makes you so sure that I want to get to know you better?"

"You're still talking to me," he says looking me in the eye. "You could have easily walked off or knocked me out but you're still talking to me. You know you need a friend and you know your quest will be easier if I come along so just stop fighting it!"

He looks almost like he's pleading, but I don't understand why he cares so much about me and my life. I thought I was the only mystery in this camp. 

After a while we started joking and being less serious. He wouldn't stop pestering me and he made a fairly good case. He pointed out all of the logical reasons why he should come with me and then he added, "I'm also great for entertainment" which made me laugh.

Finally I told him he could come with me just to shut him up, but I think somewhere deep inside of me I also told him he could come because I wanted him to. He's right I do want a friend but at the same time I've always been alone and I'm not sure I could learn to adjust to people helping me and being my friend. And does he really think he can help me get out of joining the hunt? It all just seems impossible, but then there's a part of my brain that says:

Just shut up and go with it.

And I do.

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