Typical Turns Strange

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You sat in front of your high school consolur discussing your future. "(Y/N), you did not enroll into a college, you are unsure of what occupation you want, and you are almost out of high school. What are you going to do?" Your consolur asks you impatiently. You recall that one day you heard a friend of yours talking about becoming a hunter (and later that day your friend explained it to you further in depth). You wanted to tell your consolur that you wanted to become a hunter, but how could you explain the supernatural to someone who does not understand? So you quickly thought of something, "A cop, I want to be a cop."

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Here is some more paper work from yesterday's case," your coworker, Jody Mills' voice snaps you back to reality. Jodie plops the stack of files on your desk and leaves you to it. It has been 4 years since you have graduated from high school, and you have kept to your word. You became a cop at a police station in Norton, Kansas (author's note: yes I know that the Winchesters do not live there, keep your pants on). You sighed loudly at the sight of the numuors files on your desk. You skimmed through yesterday's police report which read: "Dead man found in an alleyway with his eyes burnt out." You read more in depth, interested by this case. Eventually, you were once again interrupted by none other than Jody Mills. "Hey, we just caught wind of an eyewitness. I'll go talk to the witness and I'll be back soon." "Can I come along," you ask. "Nah, you can stay here," you're taken back by her answer because she usually let's you come along. "Why not," you ask curiously. "I got this one, I'll even let you head home early today, enjoy yourself," and before you can utter another word she was out the door.

You drove home and fumbled with your keys before finally unlocking your house door. You lived alone and you enjoyed living alone some days and felt lonely the other days. You wanted to relive yourself from all the overthinking you have been doing through out the day, so you decided to take a shower. Yet, all you can think about were the details of the case. The burnt out eyes, the sulfer, the smell of rotten eggs, it almost reminded you of a demon. But the burnt out eyes confused you.

Conflicted, you thought it be best to just drop the subject and just get out of the shower and eat food, then go to bed. As you slip your clothes on, you hear a knock at the door. You checked your digital clock on your night stand that read, "10:49 p.m." You grabbed your handgun and made your way to the front door. You look through the peep whole and ask who's there. You see an injured man on the other side. His voice was raspy, "Help, I'm injured and I do not think I can make it to the hospital. Please help me!" Your heart tells you to open the door but your gut tells you no. You decide to open the door and let the man in. You lock the door behind him and warn him that you are a police officer so if he tries anything he is going to need more than help. He eyes the gun in your pocket and then looks you in the eyes and says, "that won't be necessary." His eyes turn pitch black and your heart fills with fear.

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