The Bunker

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You guys eventually arrive to the Winchester's "house." More like secret, under-ground hideaway, but once you step inside you were surprised at how amazing it really looked. You followed the boys down the stairs.
"What is this place," you asked astounded.
"The bunker. We have some rules that we need to discuss," Dean said sternly.
"Rule numbero uno, do not snoop around in mine or Sam's room. Number two, do not touch anything that looks dangerous. Number three, do not tell anyone where this bunker is, and-"
"Dean, she's a cop not a criminal," Sam interrupted Dean, obviously annoyed.
Was a cop. Is all you could think of. It was clear to you that Dean did not trust you at all. Dean gives a sassy look at you then at Sam.
"She's still a stranger. Oh, and we didn't even test her yet," Dean replies in a sassy tone.
"Test me? What the hell does-" you were cut off by the water that was splashed in your face unexpectedly by Sam. Cas then grabs your arm and slices it with a knife.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" You asked frustrated.
"Sorry, we had to make sure you weren't possessed or a warewolf or some other weird monster," Sam replied.
"See, she is human! So get off her back Dean, not everyone is evil," Sam tries to defend you. You glare at Dean and you suddenly feel the blood from the cut trickle down your arm. The boys continue to argue over your innocence, and then you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see Gadreel, "I can heal the cut for you." He gently places his hand over your cut and heals it with his angel powers.
"Thank you," you give him a warm smile.
"I'm sorry about that, I had to make sure for Dean's sake," Cas interrupts.
"It's fine, I get it, just don't do it again," you respond calmly.
"Let me show you to your room," Gadreel offers. You nod and pick up your bags and follow him away from the huge room (and the frustrated moose and squirel) and into a hallway. You pass by some rooms and finally stop at one at the end of the hall.
"You will be sleeping here. Sam sleeps here, " he points to the room across from yours. "Dean's is the one closest to Sam, my room is the one to your right. And Cas's room is to the right of my room." You nod in understanding and open the door to your new room. It's empty but at least it has a bed and some drawers and a table with a chair. You place your bag on the bed and turn around to face the door. Gadreel is standing in the door way, looking at you. You awkwardly smile, and remember what Sam said about the whole soulmate thing. You didn't really believe in soulmates but you did find Gadreel attractive and rather adoring. You were feeling brave so you walked up to him.
"Well, thanks for everything, Gadreel," you say kindly. You open your arms for a hug and he just stares at you confused.
"Not one for hugs..?"
"What is a hug," Gadreel asks innocently.
"Wait, are you messing with me or are you being serious," you ask confused.
"Angels do not interact the same way as humans do."
"Right, well a hug is when you wrap your arms around someone. It's to show some sort of positive emotion towards someone." Gadreel slowly lifts his arms up and hugs you and you hug him back. You couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. You decided to let go but Gadreel was still hugging you.
"Another part about hugs, you eventually have to let go," you mention to him teasingly.
"Oh, sorry," Gadreel pulls back and blushes a deep red, which cause you to smile.
"I'm gonna go put my clothes in the closet and set up my room," you tell him. He nods and you go to put your clothes away and realise that he is still standing there.
"You can come in and sit down if you want," you said giggling. He did what you said. You guys start talking about the supernatural while you set up your room, not realising that you guys were destined to love each other.

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