The Truth and Your Future

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At first you started to hear whispers. They were unrecognizable. Your vision also started to come back to you slowly as well as your memory. Your eyes quickly snap open and you sit up to see where you are. You are in some old motel room and the four men who saved you are surrounding you and are now looking at you. The one who killed the demon is sitting on your bed.
"Easy there tiger," the short plaid one said.
"Where am I? What do you want?" You try to reach for your gun but realise it's not there.
"You're in a motel, just on the outskirts of your town. And we wanted to make sure you are safe from the demons," replied the one that is sitting on your bed with a calm voice. Something about him made you feel better. The short plaid guy rolled his eyes and said, "Great, would you also like to tell her about the apocalypse also, Mr. Details?" The tall guy in the plaid stared at the short one in a stern way, and then he looks sympathetically towards you, "Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Sam Winchester." Sam points to the short guy in the plaid, "this is Dean, he's my brother." Then he points to the guy in the trench coat who is standing beside Dean, "That's Cas, he's an angel." And then Sam points to the man who is sitting on your bed and says, "That's Gadreel, he is also an angel."

You look at them with a lingering thought in your mind but you were too afraid to ask, but you did it anyway.
"Are you, are you guys...hunters?" They all glanced at each other a little surprised by your question.
"Yes, we are." Cas responds in a monotone.
"How do you know about hunters uhhh...I didn't catch your name either?" Sam asks.
"My name's (y/n). My friend from high school is a hunter and she told me about it." You reply. You start to think back as to what just happened.
"Hey, was that a demon that was torturing me? And if so, what did he want with me?"
"That was a demon and he wanted to kill you because demon massacrer over here thought it would be a good idea to take down the whole demon population in order to 'redeem' himself." Dean replied. Gadreel turned away from you and lowered his head in what looked like to be disappointment.
"Sooo, how does this tie to me?" You ask confused.
Sam answered you, "God gave a gift to everyone of his angels, a soulmate. And you happen to be Gadreel's soul mate. So the demons got smart and thought it would be a good idea to use you as leverage, and to find out where Gadreel is before he finds them. So, Gadreel heard your cries for help and we know Jody Mills, so we came to rescue you." You look at Gadreel who can't even bring himself to look at you. You never believed in soul mates, in fact, you found the whole concept of soul mates strange.
"Our plan is to keep you safe from those demons, so you will be rolling with us," Dean said unfazed. You were shocked by what he said and you weren't one to be forced.
"But I have work and my life to live and-"
"You won't have a life to live if a demon kills you. We are gonna stay the night here and tomorrow morning we are leaving to go to our...home." Dean interrupted sternly. "Me and Sam will be across the hall and Cas and Gad will be to your right. Now I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired so I'm hitting the hay." Dean says as he walks out of my room and goes to his.
"We got you some food if you want any," offered Sam while pointing to the bag of food on the table. "I'm also gonna go, do you need anything before I go?" Sam asks gently.
"No thanks," you say nervously. You don't know these people yet you are now forced to stay with them. Sam nodded and said goodnight as he headed out of the room.
"I can heal your wounds," Cas randomly states as he walks towards you.
"H-huh?" You flinch as his hand goes to your forehead. A force goes through your body as you close then open your eyes again. You look at your once bruised and scared body, to find it clean and painless. You marvouled at this miracle.
"Th-thank you," you reply dumbfoundedly. Cas smiles and says goodnight then walks out of your room, and as he starts walking, Gadreel gets up and starts to head to the door. He still couldn't look at you.
He was the last one to leave but before he left your room you say, "wait!"
Gadreel turns to you with shame in his eyes. He was ashamed to put you through so much trouble and take away the life you have been living and thriving off of.
"Thanks, thanks for saving me back there," you said with a shy smile. Even though you do not know these people and you're hating every minute of this, you're still thankful to be alive. Gadreel flashed a small, forced smile. "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this, (y/n). I really am," he says in a low, defeated voice. "It's fine, I'll live, go get some sleep. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He leaves your room and he closes your door on the way out. Well, you would have never thought that you would become a hunter like this.

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