Enjoy The Moment

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Christine flipped the pages back to the photo of the hairstyle I was referring to.

"Yes, that one. Not the hairstyle, but her piercings. She has three holes in her ear. Go ahead and give Candice the same, three holes in each ear no plain gold balls though, something cute like hearts and stars and let her pick out something dangly for the bottom hole,, but not a hoop, some kind of chandelier style earring. I'm gonna leave her with you, and I'll be back in about two hours. I've got some errands to run. Also, give her some blonde highlights as well."

I turned to leave, but then quickly stopped, "Oh, and she needs a manicure as well. I think a nice deep red French tip to finis--" I cut my thought short and made eye contact with Candice. "You know what, give her whatever color and/or design she wants. Do her toes, too."

I was pretty sure I saw the corners of Candice's lips start to turn upward in a smile before she suppressed it. Of course, it could have just been my imagination, but I prefer to believe it wasn't.

Christine led Candice over to a chair and began to fasten a cape around her neck.

"Well then, I will leave her in your capable hands, Christine. See you in about two hours, Candi. Remember what I told you."

"Wait, before you go." Christine stopped us as she began to prepare Candice's hair for highlights. "If your goal is to erase her tomboyish appearance, might I suggest one more thing?"

"Yeah sure, what you got in mind," I anxiously asked.

"A makeover: brows, lashes, contouring, the works. And I'll even teach her how to achieve the same results herself."

"That's a wonderful idea. Yes please."

I noticed that Candice was now uncomfortably squirming in the chair. I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or if she was filled with excitement and anticipation, her poker face gave no indication of either, leaving me to speculate it was probably a little bit of both.

I stepped back over to the chair, gave Candice a kiss on the cheek and quickly whispered in her ear, "Remember, be the perfect young lady while I'm gone or things will get much worse for you later."

Rachel and I then left.

As soon as the salon door closed behind us, Rachel began.

"Wow, mom. You don't think you went a little overboard," Rachel asked, "I thought you were gonna just have them cut some bangs, maybe put a little curl in his hair, but you went all out. Are you sure you don't want him to have acrylics and a belly piercing, too? Nose piercings are pretty popular amongst 12 to 14-year-olds. . . "

"Well, if you think I should, it's not too late to go back." I  playfully responded.

"And it's her," I added.

"Her what?"

"You referred to Candice as him, twice."

"I did? Oops, sorry, mom."

"Just don't let it happen in front of her . . . Let's walk down the street to that photography studio over there.  I wanna see if they have an opening available right after we're done in the salon."

=== === ===

About two hours later we walked back into the salon to find that Christine had finished Candi's hair and she now had her sitting in a mani/pedi chair. Two girls were working on her nails; one was finishing up her fingers and the other her toes.

That first look we got of her, shocked us both. We would not have believed it possible had we not seen it with our own eyes. Raymond, the girlish, yet slightly tomboy looking boy in a dress was nowhere to be found. In his place was a girl, a very pretty girl with just enough familiarity they anyone who knew Raymond would think this girl could be related to Raymond but would definitely never put two-and-two together and realize it was him.

Candice looked every inch a pretty girl, a real girl.

Up until this point, Candice had not seen her hair, Christine had kept it covered while teaching her how to replicate what she was doing to her face.

When Christine saw us enter, she removed the hair cap and led a barefoot Candice over to the mirror.

This time Candice could not contain her reaction and I saw a look of shock cross her face, followed by excitement as she began to smile at her reflection.

I walked up behind her, placed my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes through the mirror. She immediately wiped the smile from her face.

"Candi, It's okay to enjoy the moment," I assured her.

She still didn't say anything, but as soon as I said it, she exhaled, allowing her body to relax and a huge grin formed on her face.

Rachel stepped up next to Christine and began to gush with excitement and envy over her pretty, new, temporary, younger sister's beautiful, luxuriously thick lashes and the two sets of moon and star earrings and the gold cross drop earring that now adorned each of  slightly red, newly pierced lobes.

I ask Christine how it had gone and she replied, " Oh she was wonderful. She asked so many questions about how to keep it looking nice and what shampoo and conditioner she should use. The way she gushed over the nail designs, it was as if she'd never had her nails done before. And I don't think I've ever had a customer study so intently or ask as many questions as she did when I did her makeover. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with her."

I was so taken aback. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Christine added, "I told her to come back in four weeks if she wants to keep her hair looking like this. Can I put you down for an appointment?"

"That will be fine," I replied and had her booked for her next appointment.

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