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snowball; a middle school Christmas dance


Melanie now lived with Hopper and Eleven in their small house in the woods. Jim's place was turning into a home for gifted children. He received their birth certificates from Dr Owens. Mel was now, Melanie Hopper and Eleven was now, Jane Hopper. Eleven mentioned her mom a few times to Mel which made her curious about her mom. Did she have a mom? A family? What happened to them? Dr Owens told Jim that the girls could probably have a normal life if they lay low for a year.

The Snowball dance was coming up at Hawkins middle school and the boys weren't planning on missing it now that everything was okay. Will was okay. Even though the girls aren't in school, they were both going as they had been asked. Neither of them had been to parties before so they were a little nervous. Jim (believe it or not) took them shopping for dresses. It took a long time since El pointed at almost every dress and said, "pretty." It took forever, but they did find the perfect dresses.

When the girls were finally ready, Jim drove them to the school. Melanie had her hair down and very curly. Her long sleeved red dress went down to her knees. The girls were worried about dancing since it was a dance after all. They didn't know how to dance but Jim told them not to worry about it. The journey felt like a lifetime for the excited girls. Hopper thought he'd lay out some rules for them. "Remember, you guys are suppose to be keeping a low profile so there are some rules about tonight," He began and they both listened. "Rule number one:" He pointed. "Don't do anything that'll get you noticed."

Mel didn't really understand that. "Example?" She asked.

"I don't know? Screaming, crying, hardcore dancing, singing very loud..." He listed. "You get what I mean." He hoped. "Okay. Rule number two: Don't leave the gym hall." He warned, turning the wheel. "Especially without telling someone."

"We won't leave." El promised. Mel nodded. If they were normal teenagers, they wouldn't be so interested in anything Hopper was telling them but, luckily for him they weren't normal teenagers.

"This is the most important rule." He told them. He even paused for dramatic effect. "No kissing boys!" He chuckled.

"Ew." Mel cringed. Hopper laughed at her disgusted expression through the mirror. El just rolled her eyes and turned her gaze to the stars in the sky.

"Right girls, go get 'em." Hopper told his girls, rubbing each of their heads. They arrived at the school. Will's mom, Joyce, was planning on standing in the car park until the dance finished. Will's visions might be gone but that wasn't convincing enough. Just incase if Will wanted to go home, she was there for him. And any of his friends. That's how Joyce Byers is.

"Have fun!" She happily told them whilst leaning on her car. Hopper joined her and offered her a cigarette that she gladly took. She was obviously still heartbroken about Bob but Jim assured her that things will get better.  

The girls walked next to each other, locked arms, through the gym hall doors. They were amazed at how different it looked. So 'Christmasy.' All you could hear was loud music and the sound of many conversations. There were lots of kids their age there dancing and having a good time. "Melanie!" They heard a familiar voice call. Mike was calling them from the table he and the boys were sitting at. "Ele-" Lucas covered his mouth so he would stop drawing attention to the girls that weren't even supposed to be there.

"Low profile." Lucas reminded him and took his hand away.

"Low profile. Got it." Mike understood. At their table currently sat Mike, Lucas, Will and Max. When the girls walked over to them, they were immediately complimented which flattered them. Before El could even sit down, Mike asked her to dance and she, of course, said yes.

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