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"Jack Frost is in the air
Creating crystals everywhere
Icy fingers, icy toes
Icy magic wherever he goes."

A small six-year-old girl was excitedly watching the snow fall as she stood on her tiptoes, peering out of the window in her room. "Look, Frank, it's snowing!" She said over her shoulder, talking to her goldfish swimming around in its tank.

Crouching down, she placed a bunch of poorly wrapped presents beneath a paper taped to the wall. A decorated Christmas tree was drawn on it, coloured out of the lines yet the little girl was proud of it. She then clumsily managed to crack the window open and looked up at the sky.

"Hi, Mr Santa Clause. I know this is not how children usually talk to you, but I just wanted to say I forgot to mention something in my letter. I want to give presents to the Easter bunny and Jack Frost because I'm not sure they get any? Oh, and tooth fairies too! I left them underneath my tree here so just pick them up when you get here. And don't worry, you'll get your cookies and milk when the time comes."

She turned around, stopping in her tracks when she looked at her goldfish. She quickly spun towards the window again. "P.S., please don't forget Frank's fish food, he got angry at me last year because of it. He's a bit of a drama queen." 

Her eyebrows knit in a frown when she noticed how frost had quickly formed over the glass. Not giving much thought to it, she climbed into her bed and snuggled next to her stuffed animals, closing her eyes and soon drifting off to sleep. She dreamt of snow, hot chocolate, and Christmas trees decorated with fairy lights.

When Ivy woke up early in the morning, the first thing she noticed was that it was snowing again. Her eyes then widened in fear and shock when she saw letters written on the frosty window glass. She knew all the letters, but she was still learning how to read, so it took her awhile to decipher the message.

'Thank you, Ivy. - J.F.'

"Um, you're welcome...?" She muttered uncertainly in a small voice. Glancing down at the presents she'd left underneath her "tree", she noticed one of them was missing. The one for Jack Frost.

"He's real! I knew it!" Ivy screamed happily and jumped off the bed, but her legs got tangled in the sheets, making her fall down. Shaking her head and kicking her little legs, she managed to free herself and stand up, running towards her goldfish. "See, Frank, he's real, I told you so!"

And with a happy toothless grin on her face, she ran out of the room to wake up her parents and give them the happy news.


Ivy was playing outside in a park near her street, happily creating snow angels and giggling. The snowman she had patiently been working on was finally finished, smiling a crooked smile. She threw a wistful look at the bunch of neighbourhood kids chasing each other and sliding on their sleighs, screams filling the air.

She noticed they had thrown a few looks her way as well, but no one wanted to make the first move. Until a snowball hit her in the back of her head, making her turn around abruptly as she did some finishing touches on the snowman. She smiled as she noticed the same group of kids approaching her slowly.

"Did yah mae it?" A small boy of her age asked, his speech slightly distorted because of a lollipop stuffed in his mouth.

"Yes, took me two days," Ivy replied.

Two girls in the group whispered something between each other then laughed quietly whilst the three boys boldly approached the snowman. Ivy watched them warily, especially when one boy raised his hand, poking the snowman's head.

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