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"He's nipping at your nose
You can feel him in your toes
A shiver and a tear
Lets you know Jack Frost is here."

Winter had finally arrived.

The snow was falling and it didn't show signs of stopping anytime soon. People were once again trying to find ways to keep themselves warm, their hands covered with wool gloves and scarfs wrapped around their necks. Their runny noses were red, lips dry from the cold. But nevertheless, most of them were enjoying the cold weather and were eagerly waiting for Christmas to arrive this year.

A small girl was happily running through the snow in the park in a small town in Canada, every once in a while stopping to make a snow angel. Her doe eyes widened at the sight of a pretty frozen lake, the ice glistening under the last rays of the setting sun.


The little girl turned around upon hearing her father call her name. "Be careful, honey, it's dangerous!"

The six-year-old reluctantly glanced at the lake then took a step back, running back towards him with her arms spread widely. "Daddy, let's build a snowman!"

He caught her in his arms and raised her in the air, twirling around as she screamed happily. Her mother watched them with a warm smile on her face, sneakily making a snowball to throw it at them.

Jasper and Neve each grasped their daughter's hands, the three of them heading back home. Jaz looked at the frozen lake over his shoulder with a sad smile, getting reminded of his deceased best friend. He named his daughter after her, and ironically, his little one loved winter just as much as she did. Each winter, Jaz could swear he could feel his friend's presence nearby until spring came and it disappeared. Somehow, he knew she wasn't truly gone.

"I don't get him condoms one time and he becomes a father."

Someone chuckled. "Does she remind you of anyone?"

A young woman standing between the bare trees observed the little girl, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, she does."

The wind howled under the late night starry sky, carrying snowflakes all around as snow kept falling restlessly, covering the ground like a large white blanket. The full moon was shining so brightly tonight, chasing away most of the darkness. The night was the definition of a winter paradise.

Two shilouettes were visible on top of the frozen lake, gliding over its frosty surface. The moonlight shone over them, their matching silver hair covered with frost sparkling underneath it. Two winter spirits forgot about the world around them, completely lost in their love for each other. Their icy eyes locked in one moment, gentle smiles playing on their pale bluish lips.

Because despite what Jack thought, the moon never left him alone and he listened to his every plea. But when Jack needed him the most, he made the biggest one come true.

Now, Jack Frost never felt lonely again.

"I have a question," Jack said as he slowly slid towards her. "Want to be my snowflake and fall for me?" He smirked.

Ivy snorted. "Aren't you smooth as ice. A real char-"

She couldn't finish her sentence because he rapidly used his staff to trip her, making her swing her arms and lose her balance. His free arm shot out and caught her around her waist, her frightened icy eyes meeting his own before they narrowed into slits.

"You better run, Jack Frost."

"Jack Frost doesn't run." Jack stood up, still keeping his arm around her. "He's nipping at your nose..." he sang quietly, bringing his teeth to the tip of Ivy's nose and nibbling it.

She leant away slightly and laughed. "Frostbite."

Jack nodded, a dimpled grin on his face. Her arms slid around his broad shoulders, their pale lips meeting in a kiss. The moon seemed to shine even brighter, illuminating two spirits of winter he put together for a reason, satisfied that his plan had worked. Jack and Ivy were lonely souls before they found each other amidst winter, magic and a little bit of warmth. It was all a part of a bigger plan than they knew.

As seasons come and go, so do they, bringing blizzards and snow with them every winter. Their bodies were eternally cold, but only on the outside. Inside, a fire was burning, the one that would never perish.

They kept each other warm.

❄❄ THE END❄❄

a/n: and yall thought I was done and I'd leave you with a tragic ending. And on Christmas??? Nah, I'm not that evil. ;) thank you for reading this short story, I really hope you liked it! ❤

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