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"On silken webs some spider's spun
Jack Frost hangs crystals just for fun
You can't see Jack Frost, it is true
But he can still reach out to you."

When Ivy woke up the following morning, the first thing she noticed was a message written on her frost-covered window glass. A goofy smile appeared on her face as she sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes with her knuckles.

I ♡ you. 
P.S be back soon. Stay warm. -J.F.

While Ivy was only waking up, Jack was floating through the air, snowflakes appearing from his staff as he made it snow once again. A childish grin was on his face as he twirled around, doing saltos and other tricks he had perfected during the long years of his existence. He felt so free in that moment he wished he could save it forever. But what he wished more was that Ivy could experience this with him once again.


He stopped immediately upon hearing his name being called. The source wasn't no one nearby, it was coming from his head. It was a form of communication between him and his friends, their version of a phone call. And much more practical.

"My oh my, if it isn't cherry cheeks calling me personally after so long." Jack descended on the utility pole, balancing on one of the electrical wires attached to it as he waited for a reply.

"You need to come back."

Jack frowned. "What?"

"The next mission has been announced. As the guardian, you are entitled to show up."

"Or what, you'll put me on the naughty list?" Jack smirked.

"Jack, I'm serious. It's not up to me, you know that. You don't have much time left, we need you here."

"But I can't... I..." he ran his fingers through his hair. "How much time?"

"Considering it's Christmas time and I cannot fully devote to the mission myself, you have until after Christmas."

Anger coursed through Jack as he looked up at the sky. The moon was lucky he wasn't visible right now or he would hear a piece of his mind. "Fine." He made sure the 'connection' was cut off before releasing a stream of curse words under his breath.

The thing he had been fearing the most was becoming reality. There were only three days left until Christmas and it dawned on him how little that truly was. There was still so much he wanted to do with Ivy.

Clenching his fists, he pushed himself off the pole and flew towards the sky, preparing himself to do the hardest thing he ever had to do.


Jack made his way towards a payphone booth, bumping into the glass surrounding it before actually stepping inside. He reeked of alcohol, his mind slightly fogged and vision a bit blurry, but he was miraculously able to walk. His staff was proving to really be multifunctional in the times like these.

He picked up the handset and placed it against his ear, knowing Ivy's number by heart now. He tried to call her a lot of times during the past five years, he just never had the guts. The numbers kept shifting in front of his squinted eyes, his fingertip trying to catch them.

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