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He tended to the tasks as he had promised her he would. Appointing Gilly to Myriah's handmaiden during her stay, was an idea Jon believed to be beneficial for all parties, so the girls could keep each other company instead of Jon's fellow watchmen.

Together with Sam, Jon sat in the library, the only place where they could speak in peace away from prying ears. So they talked about Stannis, Mance, the remaining wildings in the woods and how bad the situation in Castle Black currently was. Then Sam began to ask questions about Myriah. Questions which Jon didn't want to answer. Getting confronted with her did not only brought up the feelings he once had for her, but also memories of Robb, his brother, and best friend. Whose hand he held when he took his first steps and with whom he had the worst fights. All those memories Jon had tried to forget over the past year. He knew what happens when men go to war, yet Robbs death came all too sudden.

He was relieved when Gilly returned. Her eyes down, she played the skirt of her ragged dress. "She is asking for you."

That same relief disappeared. Myriah wanted to talk and she would tell him about her time with Robb, Jon was sure about that. She would tell him her story and he would have to tell her his.

So he returned to her chamber and knocked on the door. First, a lock opened then the door and a clean Myriah peeked through the crack of the door. She smiled once she had recognized him and allowed him to enter. The uncertainty of their meeting was a feeling Jon knew all too well. It had always been like that between the two of them. It had always been wrong between the two of them.

A fire burned in the fireplace, slightly filling the room with a for the Wall uncommon warmth. Wood was cracking in the flames, slowly turning into ashes. 

"Have you settled yet?" Jon spoke into the uncomfortable silence.

Myriah stepped closer to the hearth, facing away from Jon. She stretched out her fingers, reaching for the flames. "Yes, I have, in a manner of speaking and again I can only thank you for taking such good care of me. I wanted to apologize if I caused you any inconveniences."

"It's quite alright," he answered. "But I ought to tell you that Castle Black isn't Winterfell and I am a man of the Night's Watch. I have duties to attend. You cannot send for me every time you are in need of company."

She looked over her shoulder smiling, nodding her head before she sat down on her bed. "Please, do have a seat, too." Myriah gestured to the stool next to a small desk.

The uncomfortable silence reappeared, once Jon had sat down. He watched her playing with her hands in her lap. Myriah seemed to ponder about her next question as she furrowed her brow. Suddenly she looked up. "Now, tell me. How is life at the Wall treating you?"

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