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Jon was very attached. Maybe not precisely to her, maybe more to any one's company, but who else was willing to spend hours by his side if not Myriah. She helped him dress and fetched him a meal, which he ate sitting by the hearth. His cheeks were rosy again and his hands warm. But she could not shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

"Are you alright?" She asked carefully. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Jon stared into the flames, then shook his head. "I am fine. Please stop looking at me as if I would shatter into pieces any second."

"I know, I am sorry. It is just hard to fathom..."

"Don't." Jon interrupted her, almost snappishly which made her flinch. Then he grabbed her hand and tried to smile. "Let's not talk about this."

She nodded. To be honest, Myriah did not want to talk about it either, all she wanted was to forget about it like she always did. Everything was simpler that way. Still, there were other matters that needed to be discussed.

"You will have to talk to them." She said, knowing that this was another topic Jon preferred to ignore. "I can't do that for you."

"I suppose." He answered her with a sigh, "But will you be there with me?"

Myriah replied to his hidden cry for help with a weary smirk. "Of course I will. Whatever you need."

As soon as he felt strong enough, Myriah took Jon outside, where his traitor brothers and the wildling help waited. He made his way through the crowd and stopped at Tormund and Edd before he walked up the wooden stairs to give a speech. It was a rather short speech, half of the content was a trail to those traitors that had put knives into his heart. The entire time, Myriah stood across the yard with her eyes constantly on Jon, who seemed tense while he addressed the crowd. He only relaxed once his eyes met hers. In his own, strange way, he seemed to be fine, and that upset Myriah. Soon, she would have to leave him one way or another, and he would be mourning again. She couldn't stay until she had given birth, imagining the scandal it would cause and all the self-loath Jon would feel once he found out that he had fathered a bastard. And more importantly, Ser Humfrey Hightower would soon be on his way to Sunspear together with Edrick. Surely the boy was eager to meet his mother, and she was eager to meet him, too.

Sunken in her thoughts of her son again, Myriah did not realize that Jon already made his way back to his chamber, until he stopped in front of her as she was guarding the door.

"Do you intend to join me?" He asked her.

She bit her upper lip. "As long as I am not bothering you."

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