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The white sand of Dragonstone's beach was a great contrast to the obsidian cliffs surrounding them. Myriah found them to look prettier from afar, now that she had climbed from the boat which had taken her party from the Dawn Treader to the island. Truth be told, she was in a rather foul mood: Elia had gotten seasick and couldn't keep any meal down, Ser Humfrey and Varion had been quarreling from the minute they got onto the ship, whilst Edrick had been screaming on the top of his lungs since he realized that the big birds he had just spotted were, in fact, living dragons.

And on top of that, Daenerys Targaryen hadn't condescended to greet her visitor and possible ally herself, so instead she had sent a group of Dothraki warriors and a brown-skinned woman with tiny dark curls that made her hair kinky. "Our Queen Daenerys welcomes you to Dragonstone, Princess Myriah." She said and gave her a smile.

But Myriah didn't smile back, because she was still trying to calm Edrick, who cried into the crook of her neck. "And you are?"

"Missandei," Missandei said, now smiling worriedly.

"And where do you come from, Missandei?" She asked sharply.

"I was born on Naath, one of the Summer Isles."

"I believe even in Naath servants bow to nobles." Myriah scoffed and heard Humfrey chuckle. The woman looked baffled and intended to stammer an excuse but Myriah wouldn't have it. "This is Edrick Stark, heir to the North and his father's crown. He had not stopped crying since your queen's beasts almost caused my ship to capsize. You best show us the way to the castle now, before these monsters cause any more harm."

"Of course, your Highness," She said quickly, "Follow me, please."

With Edrick clutched to her chest, she and her companions walked up the neverending stairs to the fortress of Dragonstone, the ancient seat of House Targaryen, with its walls as dark as the night and stone creatures from the seven hells as watchmen. A mere look at it gave Myriah chills, even more so the three grown dragons circling around it. She had heard many tales of dragons, Old Nan had told them often enough. Like every other child, she had once dreamed of seeing real dragons fly, but now, their sight could only upset her. Living, fire-breathing dragons were as big as a threat to the Seven Kingdoms as the Army of the Dead was, especially when their mistress had no control over them.

It was a climb up to the gates, but eventually, they reached them. Missandei led them inside and through the halls. "The Queen awaits you in the throne room. She wishes to welcome you now, but insist that all politics should wait until tomorrow."

"How very generous of her," Myriah smiled falsely.

It was a farce.

Once they had reached the throne room, she put Edrick down, making him stand on his own two feet, and wiped the tears and snot off his face and then off her shoulders. "Edrick, don't be scared anymore. We are save in here. Look, we even got Elia and Varion and Uncle Humfrey to protect us." Myriah explained to her pouting son, while she knelt down in front of him. "And Queen Daenerys is our friend, she won't let any harm come to us."

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