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(same day)
Clarke POV
We've made it to Arkadia. The camp is for the people on the Ark. Almost every station is here. They have a section for where people live and sleep, a section for the gaurds, a medical section, a mechanical section, and a section for the chancellor. Raven and Finn were escorted to the mechanical wing so Raven could help build the elctrical fence. Murphy wanders off and Bellamy and I follow my mom to the medical wing for Octavia. Lincoln places her on the medical table and he sits next to her with his hands on the side of the medical table and his head down.

"Clarke, can I talk to you? Privately." Abby asks

"Yeah. Bellamy give them some space." Clarke says as she motions to Bellamy

"Okay." Bellamy says as he walks out with Clarke and Abby. They stop right after they exit the medical wing.

"If you need me I'll be helping Raven."  Bellamy says

"Okay." Clarke says as Bellamy kisses her forehead and leaves to find Raven

"Clarke..." Abby says

"Mom, I'm sorry. I've just been stressed out lately. My life is falling apart and I keep losing people I care about." Clarke says teary-eyed

"I know how you feel. Clarke, everything will be okay. We will get through this. You are the strongest person I know and you can get through anything and still find time for yourself. You care for others, which proves you're a great leader." Abby says

"I only bare the pain so they don't have to." Clarke says

"You aren't the only one who bares the pain, everyone does. People just have different ways of expressing it." Abby says

"I know." Clarke says

"Clarke, I know this might be out of the blue, but Bellamy is the father of the baby isn't he?" Abby asks

"Yes, we started dating after dad was floated and his mom was floated and his sister was imprsioned. I was all he had left and I felt the same, even though I still had you. He couldn't risk losing another person he loved so we kept it secret. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I had to respect what he wanted. Then things progressed from there and now this." Clarke says with tears in her eyes as she motioned to her baby bump

"It's okay." Abby says hugging Clarke

"Clarke how did all your people disappear?" Lincoln asks Clarke as he walks out of Medical

"Anya was with us and she said something like Mountain Men before I passed out because of the pink smoke. I think these Mountain Men have them." Clarke says as they walk back into the Medical Section.

"The Mountain Men have been taking the clans warriors for years. The pink smoke makes everyone go unconscious and then they take them. But there might me a way we can get your people and my people out, but there's a catch." Lincoln says

"What is it?" Clarke asks

"You can't do it alone, you need alot of warriors for this. The only way to do that is if you make a deal with the Heda." Lincoln says

"Heda?" Abby asks

"The leader of the Grounders, Lexa." Clarke says

"How are we going to talk to her?" Abby asks

"I can try and bring her here, but she is in Polis. That's a days trip from here. She is the most fearless of us all. You need to be careful about what you say around her." Lincoln says

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