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I have a theory.

A theory that could possibly make or break the lives of people with schizophrenia all around the world.

The concept of having multiple souls in a person had been known, and proven, for quite a while now, but that wasn't the theory that I was looking into.

I'm Demi Lovato, world renowned super star and pop sensation. So, why am I doing this right now? Wasting my time over this seemingly useless concept that all the doctors and scientists I've met have scorned at?

Well, I'll tell you why.

Ever since my older sister had committed suicide two years ago, due to the pain and unbearable insanity of schizophrenia, a concept had formed in my mind, and refused to leave.

My theory is that, while normal people like me have an assertive soul, as scientists and doctors have proven numerous times before, over the other weaker souls in our bodies that control them and make us who we are, people with schizophrenia don't. My theory is that they experience all these hallucinations, and have all these weird delusions, and problems in concentrating, thinking, and speaking because all the souls in their body, with all their massively different personalities, are fighting to reign over the other souls, and every time a different soul wins and takes charge, the hallucinations and different beliefs start because when they fight, they cause a rift in the physical brain of the person, resulting in them being unable to tell the difference between reality and imagination, which is what produces the hallucinations and beliefs. My theory is that this is why, as the fights are continuous and the change of the ruling soul occurs extremely often, schizophrenic people have difficulty concentrating and speaking, because each soul has different needs and wants from the others, and, so, as different souls take charge, the physical body and brain of the person changes direction, and abruptly stops whatever they were doing, thus causing the lack of concentration and speech problems.

Losing my sister to that mental disorder was the toughest thing I've ever went through. She was dead before she died, if you understand what I'm trying to say.

Schizophrenia took her personality, her interest in things, and the joy in her life, and it was excruciating watching her go from the bubbly big sister that I loved and could always depend on, to the emotionless girl who cut herself off from everyone, found that nothing ever gave her joy again, and whom no amount of medicine and therapy was able to help, because we'd found out too late.

Having gone through watching all this, I vowed to myself that I would drive and search deeper into my new theory, and find a solution to either eradicate all souls but one from the body of schizophrenic people, or create a stronger soul amongst the equally weak ones, so that no one would ever have to suffer through schizophrenia, or to have to watch a family member go through that pain.

My thoughts were interrupted as Marissa burst into my room. "Demi!"

Already used to my best friend's abrupt entrances, I automatically picked up a pillow and threw it in the direction of the doorway without even looking back. "Get out. I'm busy."

Marissa laughed. "Are you 'busy'," She made quotation marks with her fingers over that word. "Fantasizing over your ridiculous theory again, Demi? Well, stop, because I have plans for the day, and that includes you."

I shrugged, my cheeks burning at the adjective 'ridiculous' being used. "It's not ridiculous, Marissa."

See, this is why I regret giving Marissa the key to my house. She keeps barging in at the most random of times, without calling or informing me in any way of her coming.

One time she let a whole bunch of our friends in while I was showering. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Marissa sighed, sobering. "Listen, Demi. I know losing Dallas was hard, but you have got to get over it. It's been two years. There's no such thing as not having an assertive soul. I love you, and I'm telling you this because I'm your best friend. You need to move on."

The Fault in Her Scars [DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Where stories live. Discover now