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Over time, the drizzle began to grow into a full rain. While the kids and their mothers began escaping into their cars or into the gazebo in the distance, Jayden and I decided to just sit on the bench throughout the rain.

I glanced towards the gazebo, where more than one adult was staring at us, and giggled. "I think they think we're crazy."

"Everyone's crazy."

"True that."

From further off down the road, more little kids and their parents rushed from the park far off, to the gazebo. I laughed again. "They look like ants."

"And to them, we probably do too."

Fucking killjoy.

"You're killing my vibe!"

"Honestly, too bad."

I grimaced, rolling my eyes.

After a longer period of silence, I glanced up at Jayden. "Jayce, are we going to keep sitting here in the rain, or.."

Jayden looked down at me, laughing as he squeezed my hair and watch the water run down my face.

I shook my head, letting the water hit him squarely in the face. "So?"

"I don't want to have to walk all the way home with your guitar, though."

Is he insulting my baby?

I stood up. "Then let's go to the gazebo."

Jayden followed me willingly. And by willingly, I meant that he laughed and mocked me while I danced in the rain.

"Come on, Jay! Dance with me!"

Jayden caught my hand and twirled me around before giving me a look. "I will not dance in the rain, Demetria."

Stick in the mud.

"You're such a loser!" I yelled, spinning around in the rain and laughing, as I caught raindrops on my tongue.

Jayce rolled his eyes, taking my hand and pulling me to a stop. "The kids are staring, Demi. You're such a loser," he mocked my words.

I glanced towards the gazebo, where I could see several mothers fussing over their children.

That would have been Dani and I..

I attempted to block out the loneliness that infused heavily into my veins. My breath was coming shorter; my hands starting to shake, at the mere thought of Dani. It was getting worse and worse by the day; clear I was never going to forget it, but what choice did I have but to fight and try to control myself?

Shaky laughter escaped my lips as a few kids ran down the steps of the gazebo and began doing some random kiddy dance. "See, Jayce, I'm an inspiration."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that," he scoffed. "The inspiration for little kids to fall sick. Well done."

More kids flew down the steps, and I turned to Jayden triumphantly. "Win."

Suddenly, from behind me, I heard a voice that shouldn't have been as familiar to me as it was. "Dani! Get back here!"

My body spun around without permission, my hand flying up to cup over my mouth as it fell open.

Dani saw me before I saw her. In fact, I stayed frozen; confused, afraid, until she plowed into me, full force, and sent us both crashing to the ground.

"Dani," I whispered, before a smile grew on my face. "Dani!" I wrapped my arms around the girl, hugging her to me. "Dani, I missed you so much!"

The moment I saw her; the moment I laid eyes on her pretty brown head of hair, a sort of relief blew threw me, until she raised her head, and the bruise on her cheek reminded me of the heartless woman who had her custody.

The Fault in Her Scars [DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Where stories live. Discover now