Chapter 6

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The next time I had WRT 101 I walked into class telling myself that I was going to sit right beside Maxwell. I'd walked in, almost jumping out of my skin when Maxwell waved and greeted me like last time. I almost ran in the other direction out of nervousness, but I took in a few breaths before heading to sit right beside him. He seemed surprised, but he had a wide smile on his face when I placed my bag on the desk and took out my notes.

"Not running away again, are you?" he asked, laughing. My cheeks burned at his teasing, but I didn't say anything in response. The lecturer came in soon after, and we started out with the ink shed panel, then moved on to generative writing.

I paused typing into the word document on my computer to look at Maxwell from the corner of my eye. He was doing the work as well, humming under his breath when he would stop periodically to read what he'd typed up.

"Maxwell," I called, making him turn over to me.


"Why are you taking this class? Aren't you a music major?" I asked, watching as he muttered a low ''oh' before smiling.

"Everyone needs English credits, but you can take a writing class instead," he explained, making me nod in understanding.

"We'll be doing a short peer feedback section for the work you're typing now in a few minutes," our lecturer said, making me and Maxwell look towards her. She had a short pixie haircut and blonde hair that was graying out. I looked away from her when Maxwell chuckled a bit, making me turn my gaze to him instead.

"I guess we'll be partners then," he said with a small smile, making my face grow warm as I turned back to my laptop, biting my bottom lip as I stared at the words I'd written so far. There was suddenly a pressure on me to write better, even though it was just a warm-up piece.

After a while, we sent out documents to each other and read them through. I showed Maxwell some things he could work on, and he just nodded as I spoke to him. When it was his turn to give me some feedback he just shrugged, sighing a bit before talking to me.

"I don't know what to say, I just like it." The words made my face grow warm as I smiled at that. As much as I appreciated the compliment I don't think I'll be sitting with Maxwell in the next class since I need actual feedback. Though, I was happy he liked it—really happy.

At the end of class, I got up and started packing my things, and when I was done I zipped up my back, jumping back a bit when I turned to find Maxwell still sitting down beside me on the desk. He was and smiling at me, cocking his head to the side and letting out a chuckle when my face grew red in embarrassment.


Doesn't he have a class now? I asked myself, trying to look at anything but his smiling face. I wanted to be around him, but his smiles made me giddy and nervous, and sometimes all I wanted to do was run in the other direction until my cheeks stopped flaring.

"Do you want to eat lunch together? This is your last class today, right? My lecture at the end of this class on Monday is three hours, so I don't have it again on Wednesday," he said, smiling up at me as I adjusted the strap of my backpack. The lecture hall was emptying out, and we were soon the only ones left in it. I found myself nodding, and Maxwell's smile widened as he got up from his seat.

"Great, I'll pay for lunch so don't worry," he said, walking towards the exit with me following behind him. We walked out of the humanities building together, and soon we were walking side by side as we headed for the student union building.

When we got into the cafeteria at the top floor he dropped his bag on a two-person table before following me to one of the lines to get food. I found myself stealing glances at him from time to time, watching as his lashes fluttered, or how his thick brows bent in a frown when he was deciding what to get for lunch. I'd look away whenever I realize I had been staring for a little too long. If anything, I don't want to make Maxwell uncomfortable.

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