Chapter 16

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"Seriously?" I turned at the sound of Maxwell's voice before chuckling a bit and looking back down at the bag of lays I was struggling to open. We were on the bus heading for the nearby mall. I heard Maxwell let out a sigh, and soon his pale hand had found its way to my lap before snatching the bag from me. He tore it open before handing it over to me, and I thanked him before looking away.

Dating Maxwell was both exciting and painful. Exciting because he was opening up to me, and letting me in. And painful because I couldn't stop grinning and it was starting to hurt — no, really. I got to sleep over in his room often, and he came down to visit me in mine as well. He held my hand and kissed me softly on the lips whenever he could, and it wasn't long until everyone figured out that we were an item. Ollie disappeared from the room whenever he was over, giving us privacy. We often goofed around for a while until things got heated. We also went out to the mall a lot. We were heading there right now actually. We were going to get Maxwell some clothes. I had continued to tease him on end about how he dressed, so he had eventually given in and told me I might as well get him a whole new wardrobe, and that was what I was planning to do.

"Lighten up," I said, turning to him. Maxwell had his head against the headrest of the bus's leather seat. He raised one of his full brows at me before shaking his head. "I'm just buying you some clothes, and I'm using my own money," I added, and Maxwell snorted.

The bus dropped us off at the closest stop to the mall. We walked hand in hand for the rest of the way, entering the crowded mall and making a beeline to the site navigation map. I had to hurry up since there was someone behind us waiting, and after looking through the stores I turned and grabbed Maxwell's hand again, pulling him towards the direction of the escalator that went up to Hudson's Bay.

It didn't take long until I was going through racks and handing him clothes. I also paired outfits up for him, making sure they matched before handing then over to him. He was smiling at me, but I saw a glint in his eyes that told me he was a bit overwhelmed, and that what we were doing was way out of his comfort zone. I decided not to think too much about it, turning to him with a cream sweater in my hands before smiling a bit looking away to glance around the store. When I saw that we were the only ones at this side of the store I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek before pulling away.

"Cheer up," I muttered as I watched Maxwell blink at me in surprise. His face then turned bright red, matching the tip of his ears and his red hair. I chuckled, swapping the dress shirts in his hands with the sweater I had in mine. That was another thing I liked, Maxwell was getting flustered more, and it made me feel a little bit less odd for blushing so frequently.

"Try that, it'll go well with your eyes," I said patting the sweater as I watched him nod before heading off in the direction of the brown and black sign that said 'Men.'

"He's acting like a puppy," I said to myself, chuckling before turning back to the rack of clothes. I kept looking through the clothes, and I frowned when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned back only to be met face to face with Maxwell's mate from practice. She was looking at me with an odd look. She looked angry.

"Excuse me?" I asked, frowning in confusion as I watched her fold her hands over her small chest. The action made the Aztec style bracelets on her hand giggle. She still didn't say anything, she just stared at me and I awkwardly looked down at the floor, feeling uncomfortable.

"What did you do?" she asked, making me look up at her again with a confused frown. Her big blues eyes that were framed with eyelashes enhanced with mascara stared right at me. "Well? How did you get him to date you? You don't look like much," she said. Her voice was laced with underlying bitterness, and I was thrown off.

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