1 - [Out on the town]

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Daveed and Rafael walked down the streets of Manhattan's Washington heights. After the film festival, a new album, a new movie, and since clipping wasn't on tour right now, the two just decided to spend a few days in town without any more worries or concerns for the time being.

Daveed looked up at the sky walking alongside his friend, taking in the sounds of the city. That was what he loved about Washington Heights, the beautiful artwork that stood in scales around him from architecture to graffiti to even natural artwork such as the trees and the beautiful sky, the sky was more clear then ever, clearer than untouched water. This was the best he's felt in a while, since there was a feeling of wanting to just run away from his career sometimes.

Yes, he loves the attention and people that are respectful to him, but there were so many that weren't, and his boss was just another nightmare to get over. He'd get nagged at if he wasn't working on their watch, though his boss was a very cool person that was fun to be around...on occasion.

Rafa loved the city inside and out. He had some stresses as well as his famous curly haired friend, but not so many. He was easy to like, friendly, funny, fun, and loving to both his friends and family. His converse had a steady rhythm against the moderately cool concrete to keep up with Daveed's long strides.

Eventually Daveed's paces slowed to the same distance and speed as Rafael's, walking synchronized unconsciously.

Rafael noticed and smiled a bit. That had happened many times before, and he had researched about it once, it stating that "someone who walks synchronized with someone else shares a very close bond to whom they are walking with" and "they have a close connection or something from the spectrum of different types of love towards the other". Rafael assumed it was a brotherly like love.

He looked up at Daveed like a big brother anyways, or so he thought, admiring Daveed and practicality praising him for all of the things he did. Rafa got lost in his thoughts soon enough.

Daveed stopped at the edge of the street as Rafael kept walking. Of course he was lost in whatever the first thing that came to his expansive mind was.

Daveed grabbed Rafael by his hand. "Rafa!", he pulled him back.

He was snapped out of his thoughts. "Wh-what?! Huh?",

"You were thinking about some chick you met, I just know it", he chuckled, letting go of Rafael's hand as he ruffled his hair.

Rafa laughed and ran his hand through his hair to fix the mess Daveed had made out of it. "Like I even have a chance with any girl!",

Daveed chuckled. "Yea right! You're handsome, famous, and you have that really passionate and creative thing all girls like", he motioned for Rafael to fallow him across the street after looking both ways, not noticing his friend's slight blush.

They continued walking. Busy people on bikes, in cars, going out for an evening jog, and in part of the evening hustle to go out to eat made the city so alive and full of energy.

The large towering bridge in the distance caught Rafael's eye. The vibrant colors of the sunset made a perfect background. It was gorgeous for any viewer. He smiled at the natural beauty in front of him, admiring it. "That's what you call a sunset",

"Heh, yea. Wanna get a better look?",

"Hell yea",

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