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//Here we go with this. If you like how this chapter is set up with points of view or that you didn't like it give me feedback please!! In the comments preferably

Let's get on with on with it, shall we?// OH AND ALSO! The reason I haven't been updating was because my parents figured out I knew who my biological father was and then lost trust in me, im sorry I haven't updated I'm such a bad author. Anyways, I'm back and I'm good 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 let's get on with this//

Rafael's Point Of View

Sun glistened in through the blinds of Daveed's living room window as I sat up, putting a hand on the back of my aching neck. What the hell am I doing on the floor? And god, my neck hurts like hell! Also my head! Sweet lord of the north! I thought to myself. My neck wasn't the only part of my body that hurt, I also had a massive headache and the bottom of my spine felt agonizing, just like my neck.

Aside from that, Daveed was still on the couch peacefully asleep, or at least I thought. He was laying there, his curly hair springing out all over the place in a little happy mess.

I started to remember what had happened: We had came here because of the creep that had gotten into my apartment and even called me, then Daveed got us drinks and we drank till we could barely think, then we attempted to rap quickly and that halfway worked, then I was standing on the couch after three almost full glasses. I fell on him and we almost kissed. Oh god we almost kissed... I had fallen right on top of him after acting like a fool and we were so close. God I need to be more careful with alcohol. I sighed and stood up, walking to the bathroom.

When I got in there, I shut the door and made sure to lock it, thoughts racing through my head, it almost feeling like they toppled over one another and it all being a jumbled mess.

Leaning up against the door, I sighed and started thinking about what could have happened in my state of the influence. I slid down and sat on the floor, putting an elbow on one knee. It could have ruined our friendship. I could have kissed him and he could have figured out I wasn't all that straight, he could have left me out of disgust. I can't loose Daveed. He's just about all I've got left. Then the thoughts went deeper and I started blushing immensely. But what if he would have liked it and went along with it? What if we had...

    I cut my thoughts off there, knowing they were seriously inappropriate and unnecessary. It's just a blessing I didn't kiss him, and hopefully he doesn't wake up remembering. I knew Daveed would let me use his shower because he has let me use it many times before, so I just went ahead and stripped down then got in.

Daveed's POV

I sat up with a huge headache. "Agh, fuuuck...", How much did I drink last night? I can't remember shit.... I lied right back down not wanting to get up as small blurs and bits of what happened came back. It was little images. I remembered something about us drinking. A lot actually. I thought I remembered Rafael on my lap really close to my fACE?! WhAT?!

I jolted up out of fear, and that action was punished by the pain in my head, escalating dramatically because of the sudden and quick movement. "Why...", I said quietly, putting my hands on my head and entangling them in the top of my curly hair. Damn did my head hurt.

I just kind of sat there for a few minutes, my head engulfed in enough pain to keep my thoughts off track from where I wanted them to be. As a few minutes passed, the pain halfway died down. I could hear the shower running, meaning Rafael was still here. I still had my clothes on, so I was alright. But had we kissed was the real question.

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