2- [My place]

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Daveed opened the door for Rafael.

"Damn it gets cold at night up here", Rafael said, letting the warm rush of air from inside the house blow his hair back a little.

"Yea, it's called sea breeze and land breeze. Should have learned about it in high school", Daveed chuckled.

"Nobody remembers that stuff, you know that!", Rafael protested, lightly elbowing his taller friend and turning to face him.

Daveed closed the door and smiled. "I need a drink after this shit. How about you?",

"Yea, sounds good", Rafael agreed, walking into the living room and plopping down on the black leather couch. He felt at home at Daveed's place, it was much better than his and he came over almost every other day when they weren't out of state.

Daveed walked in with a fairly good sized bottle of booze and poured some into a few glasses, handing one to Rafael.

"Thanks", he said, sitting up and holding it carefully.

Daveed set the bottle on the coffee table with a clink as he sat down next to Rafael. Grabbing the black television remote, he flicked on the tv to an NBA station broadcasting a re-run of a Warriors game.

Rafael lifted up his glass. "To brotherly good times, kicking haters' asses, and no girl drama",

Daveed chuckled and sat the remote down. "Let's just hope for no drama in general", he said, raising his glass too.

Both men laughed and tapped their glasses together. At about the same time it started raining outside, letting little raindrops calmly fall upon the window with a peaceful little tap.

They both drank their glasses like a large shot and set them down.

"Wow, damn", Rafa laughed.

Daveed also laughed and looked at Rafael questionably. "You act like it's your first pure-alcohol drink",

"That's because it's my second. My first was with you when we went to that casino a bit after I got out of jail a lot of years back",

"...I dare you to chug a full glass then",

"Daveed!", he smacked him in the arm lightly. "If I was dumb you'd be the death of me one day!",

"I'm gonna be the death of you one day",

Rafael sighed. "You're right",

Both men laughed and talked and continued poring glasses and shots. Long story short, Daveed had about five glasses and Rafael had three. Both of them were tipsy and dizzy when it came to nine a clock.

Rafael was standing on the couch. "What's a billy goat sound like?",

"A yodelerrrrr",

"YIDELEEEEEEHEEWHOO", Rafael yelled trying to sound like a billygoat.... in his own way.

"It's yoooodel!", Daveed slurred.

"YOOOOODELA- Woa!",Rafael lost his balance and fell down and right onto Daveed, landing with a leg on both sides of his waist. One of his hands on Daveed's chest, and the other to the side of him. Their faces were inches apart.

Daveed was startled, and almost instantly started blushing. About 0.00000000001 seconds later Rafael was blushing too. They stayed like that for a few seconds, Rafael looking into Daveed's eyes and Daveed looking into his, both drunk as hell and prone to making a huge mistake right now.

Daveed started laughing and soon Rafael joined in, both laughing till tears pricked in the corners of their eyes. Neither of them knew why they were laughing, it just happened. Maybe out of nervousness, maybe out of drunkenness, or maybe it was something from past years that came into mind somehow.

Rafael started to get some sort of new felling ... that somehow was familiar? He brushed it aside knowing how drunk he was and just enjoyed this time with Daveed while he still had it.

Daveed didn't have much going through his mind other than how funny it was that Rafael was standing on the couch pretending to be a billy goat, then fell right onto him in a sexual position, and also why the hell he didn't bother to warn Rafael that drinking this much usually ended up with something being broken and something really out of the ordinary happening. Oh well.

Rafael rolled off of Daveed and right onto the floor. "Ow, floor",

"I'm tiiired", Daveed complained.

"Let's go to sleep then", Rafael said, rolling on his side.

"Night Rafa",

"Night Daveed",

It only took a few minutes for both of them to pass out. Rafael somehow passed out on the floor and Daveed passed out in the couch.

//BITCH YOU THOUGHT HAHAHA no but this chapter was mainly made because I needed something to put here and I was bored, so yea. I have tons of experience with drunkenness but I haven't seen people that weren't full on "I just drank two full pints and wet myself" shit because *cringes* CHILDHOOD.

But also I'd like to thank all of the people actually still reading this bravo to you next chapter coming soon ok bye//

Don't Let Me Fall - {Rafeed fanfic} On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara