Love Faces Book 3: I Can't Help But Wait..

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Well there is a lot to explain so lets start from the beginning should we? Ever since Dayn got out of prison we literally couldn’t be more inseparable our love is so strong no one could ever come between I really love him so much and I know he loves me even more. He and I are now 21 and the happiest couple you’ll ever know, so as you can tell we been going real good for 6 years now but I wont lie to you and say that everything has been completely perfect don’t get me wrong me and Dayn have had problems and quite a few huge arguments due to taking the next step, sex, marriage and family but because of our love we were about to work it all. That’s how I know that our love is true. Dayn currently has a job working in a designing company where he designs stuff like the new brand of Jordan’s, or new Swag clothing lines, plus he gets to pick his own hours and the pay is amazing! I’m really proud of him.


So that’s enough of me and my baby, I’m gonna tell you a bit more about Jamain, the last I spoke of him he had just got accepted into the NBA which is going awesome and he is still there and going strong. I finally got him out of the game and into the court, that whole him nearly dying experience really did change him around for the better and I thank and praise the Lord he is still here, which is why we all go to church every Sunday. He is going quite good, still looking like the same old Jamain ha even thought he’s like 22 and he currently has a girlfriend now they have been going good for about a year and a half now I’m real happy he is happy.


Roc is still good and healthy, he and his girlfriend he had before, and they broke up 2 months after the day Dayn came home. To be honest I didn’t really like her anyway and she didn’t have a very good vibe about her, which I was right about because she stalked Roc for about 3 months after she wouldn’t leave him be blowing up his phone and following him everywhere he went. But once her and me ‘sat down’ and had a ‘nice chat’ she got the message and left him be and we haven’t heard from her since. It took roc about a month to get over her and he stopped dating for quite a while, until his 19th birthday party we went to a club and he met a really nice mixed race girl with big puffy curly hair like his they fell in love ever since. It is the cutest when they both braid their hair! Ya’ll juss gotta see it.


Well even though none of us talk to him anymore I guess Ray Ray is doing good I mean last I heard from Roc he was working at walmart and got a girl pregnant at 16 and he’s been looking after her and his child ever since. The last time I remember seeing him was either that day MB broke up for good or I think I saw him about a year ago in a club I’m not sure. After the band spilt he lost contact with prodigy and Roc so I don’t know really me and him never really spoke before even when the band was still intact so yeah that’s as much as I know about him.


Who’s next? Oh yeah can’t forget my brother , Prod well I’m not too sure to be honest I mean things are ok between us but he is kind of in and out of our life’s and I’m not sure as to how I am meant to react when you find out that your brother is in love with you I mean incest much? Momma told me he’s over it now but my eyes are still going to be open around him, I dunno what he does for a job I think he works at a record company last I heard. I don’t really see him much, he did have a girl for a while but it didn’t last and he’s been single for the past 4 years, I think she really needs to pull himself together because I still love him as my brother and I don’t want him to waste his life away being unhappy but there is only so much I can do. And he’s still living with momma and daddy so not much has seemed to change.


Momma and Daddy are well the first strongest couple I know that is next to me and Dayn, I tell momma sometimes how proud I am of her and ask her how she still managed to be with daddy after everything and she told me some very wise words ‘Love can work in mysterious ways but the more effort and pain it puts you through, you know its worth the fight in the end.’ I loved what she said so much I painted it on my bedroom wall using a fancy writing stencil. Ever since daddy got out of prison I couldn’t be more than a Daddy’s girl our bond has become so strong and I love him so much I can’t thank God for bringing me with my family again. Daddy has a job as a construction worker and he gets paid so well momma don’t have to work but she chooses too because she likes her new job as an Article writer for a ‘Mom’s Magazine’. I buy all the copies. I’m just so proud of her. Dayn’s momma is great also, her and my momma actually work together now and they have become quite close and to be honest when I’m with them both I love it our relationship is just the best. And we see each other all the time I dunno what’s better than that.


What… there is something I am forgetting, I know it, I can feel it but I just cant put my finger on it just yet, give me a second it will come to me...ahhh! Oh! That’s it, guess what guys? I have a bun in the oven ;) if you catch my drift and my little bun should be coming out in about 4 months time…?


You do understand what I’m trying to tell you?



5 comments for more ya'll. missed you all so much but now i'm back

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