Moving In & Out

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Well I’m summed up everything that has happened so far now its time to get to the present. And if ya’ll didn’t guess what I was trying to hint before, I’M PREGNANT! And I’m 5 months along, me and Dayn don’t know the sex though because we want to keep it a surprise even though I know he really wants a boy then another minute he wants a little girl. I’m not bothered to be honest I just love my baby and cant wait till they come out and meet their mommy. I’m so excited. I’m having the best pregnancy and I love the fact I have a baby in my tummy and that I can feel it when it moves and Dayn is always talking to the baby every now and again. He loves when it kicks because the baby does it so much when he’s around.


We are still picking out names at the moment, we’ve been debating and arguing ever since we found out I was pregnant but now we’ve come to the decision that we are going to pick one boy name and one girl name that we love and whatever the baby comes out to be they will have a choice of two names. My stomach grows a little bigger every week and it only makes me more happy knowing I’m getting closer to the day my beautiful bundle of joy comes out.


Ok now back to the present day. Right now I’m at my momma’s with Dayn packing the last of the cardboard boxes, did I forgot to mention me and Dayn have a Big new apartment together and we are moving in for good today, Dayn and the guys have been setting it up all ready for the baby even though we have another 4 months. We brought the apartment back in January and I found out I was preggs about the beginning of February and they have been working at great speeds to get it all ready these past few months. Its like it was just yesterday when me and Dayn were painting all the rooms then got to the baby’s room and we were fighting over the color to paint it so in the end we painted it half pink and half blue then we ended up paint fighting and splatters of pink paint got on the blue wall and some blue on the pink wall. We never noticed until it dried and Dayn was about to fix it when I stopped him and took a step back. And told him to leave it because I liked it.


Its still like that now haha, let me tell you a bit about our new home, well it has a massive kitchen which is what I love, it comes with 4 bedrooms, 3 of them have their own bathroom and the other bathroom right next to the fourth room so its good. We have a great family sized front room and more than enough room for all Dayn’s video games and foosball table not to mention the massive inch 3D plasma and DJ equipment. And there is still so much room. We used the smallest room for Dayn’s office, the other two are just simple guest rooms with a bed, TV, draws etc. One is painted purple and the other green. Dayn and mine’s bedroom is massive fit with an extra large king-size bed, a flat screen TV, two wardrobes Dayn gave me the bigger one :D so now I have a walk in wardrobe. We also have bedside tables and a beautiful view of the city in our window. And our room is a baby blue and purple.


Oh I also forgot! I still own all my cars. Not to mention the purple Porsche Dayn got me for my 20th birthday and the 2 Range Rovers he owns, ones Black with blue interior and the other white with red interior. It’s a really funny story when we brought the apartment the landlord was retiring so he ended up giving it all to us. So I guess you can say we turned it into a house so basically it is a house but I like calling it an apartment and we were still able to build a real big garage to fit all our cars in and we even have a backyard too.


The baby’s room. Ok so here’s the story, this is what happens when you leave Dayn, Prod and Roc in charge of ordering baby stuff while I was out with my momma and Dayn’s momma. They brought two of everything! It cost so much money and we can’t even return it. So now the babies room is full with two cots, two highchairs, 2 changing boards and only one baby toy box I don’t understand how they managed to by two of everything but the toys? I don’t know. After that Dayn is convinced we are going to have twins but its not in my blood line or his plus we asked the doctor and he said no there is just one baby in my stomach so yeah. Then Dayn said after we have this baby we could have another. I told him he would have to wait a while first, he must forget having babies hurt. Oh and the babies room has a really cute tatty teddy light purple carpet.


Well that’s sums up the new apartment ha, it’s pretty much set up all that’s left are a few bits and bobs from mine and Dayn’s bedroom like old photo albums and some of our childhood stuff. Momma and daddy were at work, Dayn’s momma at work two, Roc and his girl went out for the day, I have no idea where Prod is, he just tends to go off and no one knows where. So Dayn and I, well Dayn! Had just finished packing the last of our stuff in the car and we were home alone… which hasn’t happened in ages the last time we were fully alone was when I got pregnant.


I was just on the sofa flicking through channels finding something to watch, when Dayn came back inside double checking the car door was locked before shutting the door and throwing the keys in the Key bowl by the door. I smiled at Dayn as he winked at me and walked in the kitchen and I meanwhile as to turn to lie on my back because I cant only lie on my side for so long because the baby and me get uncomfortable I do kind of miss laying on my belly though. I kept flicking through Movie channels when I saw that ‘Madea Goes To Jail’ had just started I quickly put the controller down on the coffee table and smiled as I watched it. I haven’t seen this movie in ages Madea is just tooo funny.


The room was now silent because I was watching the movie and Dayn was in the kitchen. I had to turn the volume up a little as I continued to watch the movie until I was staring at the screen and all of a sudden the screen had turned black… it took me a few seconds to realize that Dayn had taken the controller away from me and turned the tv off. WTF! “Dayn…. Do you wanna be slapped by a pregnant woman because I would gladly do it..” it wasn’t until I said that I realized Dayn was hovering over me shirtless I just stared at him. “I know I’m sorry baby, but we have this movie on DVD back at home and plus… *Whispering: we’re home alone* and you know that hasn’t happened in a while…” this man… he knows when he whispers its my weakness.


I don’t think how much people realize that sometimes being pregnant can make you really horny at some points. Like the points you want to rip your partner’s clothes off and do them right then and there.. This? Was turning into one of these moments… “hmm I know .. I was really starting to enjoy the movie though” I said looking up at Dayn as I watched him chuckle before pecking my slowly sweet and slow before moving to my neck and kissing it all over, my body shifted in pleasure as you could tell this as making me more horny by the minute and my body heat increasing by the second as I heard Dayn mumble into my neck “mmm well how about this? Are you starting to enjoy this?” he said before letting out a sexy giggle and diving for my sweet spot and not even hesitating before sucking on it slowly.



It wasn’t long before we were both full of lust and I couldn’t take anymore of his teasing and it turned into an instant make out session and the room was filled with moaning and sounds of pleasure. I cant even describe to the way Dayn makes me feel he just makes me feel so irreplaceable and beautiful. I could tell by the bulge in his jeans he was roasting and I was moaning like mad. Dayn was just about to pick me up and were going to finish this all off in the bedroom when prodigy burst through the door…. -_- see what I mean? Dayn jumped off me, switching the tv straight on and placing a pillow on his lap and making my head rest on the pillow and it was as if none of what just happened ever did happen. Haha I might say Dayn was always good at these things when we were younger we never use to get caught by my momma or daddy or even his mom at one point it felt like we were teenagers once again.

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