Brothers || chapter 11

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As soon as bellick trundled off, my eyes fell from Michaels sorrowed orbs and to the overpowering shadow towering over me. Avocado.

He lept down from the upper bunk sending daggers down my spine, if only the correctional system wasn't so corrupt this predicament would maybe be a bit more lenient to an innocent young women vulnerable to this horrific hell hole.

My time at fox river has landed me in so much avoidable trouble but of course my selfish, worthless self couldn't stay out of everyone's way and just keep my head down just as my lawyer said!!
Wow, how I truly miss Veronica I didn't even know her much but the way we connected was unexplainable we clicked like and old friendship rekindled... I'd never had a true best friend, even though in the end her actions still resulted in the utter worst situation of my life I cared about her.

My short lived silence broke when I heard faint but also somehow heavy footsteps creeping closer and closer, a sudden breathe swept over my shoulders. I didn't even hesitate to turn around I mean what's the worst that could happen?

If only Michael was here to snap me out of my delusional state.

My glare met with avocados except his was somehow more penetrating sending messages without breathing a word.
I paced my 'stuff' gently on to the lower bunk, better than the floor I agreed with myself.

As I made my way to the sink I noticed out the corner of my eye avocado staring at me as if I was transparent, just flesh and nothing else. I hated it.

I got to sleep and thanked 'God' it wasn't my blood staining the mattress...


I woke up rubbing my eyes viciously, I hoped it was all a horrific dream but I was faced with my worst fears as Michael wasn't the one greeting me with his dreamy smirk. But avocado shaking the top bunk.

I breathed calmly in order not to wake him and waited patiently for the cell 'doors' to open.

The familiar and comforting sound of the creaky doors settled my nerves, I was now free from the presence of avocado.

That was when I had an epiphany if you will, I realised I needed Michael. I didn't care about trust anymore all I wanted was someone to care for me and since I've got here he's been the one to stick with me through thick and thin and I needed him to know this.

"TIER TIME!!" Bellicks voice was somewhat not as disturbing anymore everything seemed to feel more comforting rather than threatening.

I ran up to Michael, sucres and now haywire's cell, how that happened I will never understand.

Was all I could say with a small smile, which he returned promptly
He hugged me and we just stayed in that position for what felt like a split second, I really loved this man.
"I,i, I love you Michael" as soon as I said that he let go of me and stared in my eyes, what have I done! I always do this to peop.....
"I love you to emily pieters, I love you too"
Michael spoke with true passion, he smashed his lips against mine, which was the most passionate, meaningful kiss ever.

We stayed like that until Sucre coughed, "aye mami, papi!!!" He was grinning from ear to ear I guess we wernt the only ones who could sense the sparks. Sounds like a cliche right? But we were now staring admiringly into each others eyes, I f only I could hold him forever.

Tier time wasn't long but enough time for me and Michael to relax, our hands intertwined and our minds clear. Before reality hit up bang in the face, John trundled in like the big I am and stared with pure determination in his eyes.

I shook Michael to bring his attention to John, as soon as he saw we both stood up almost instantly snapping out of our daze, I shot Michael a concerned glare which he reassured with gripping my hand.
"So fish, when are we continuing on our 'work'" he spoke cautiously as all you can do to pass time in these places is eavesdrop and gain respect on gossip and secrets.
But of courser Michael understood what he was implying,
"As soon as I can cause a distraction otherwise I ain't digging as psycho up there doesn't sleep!" Michael was referring to haywire who was completely oblivious I was even here.
"Hurry up scofield or you know what will happen."
Before Michael could speak up John was already gone but I could still faintly hear his heavy boots banging against the metal tiers.

"Why are we even working with that asshole anyway?"
I spoke with true confusion as all John had done was order Michael around and I wasn't having it.
"Because John has the transport in place for once we get out of here."
Michael spoke truthfully, I could tell. I had began to pick up what Michael meant when he spoke.
"Are you sure he's not messing with you?"
"He wants information I have."
Michael always spoke vaguely but this time I was clueless.

"YARD TIME LADIES!" I was happy to hear Bellick call yard time at least I could have some fresh air.

Michael and I walked out hand in hand as the cold Illinois air hit us like a truck.
He took his jumper off and slid it over my head instantly warming me up, I could see his muscles and his large torso 'tattoo'. I could tell he was freezing but he wouldn't ever tell me that, even though the jumper was about 4 sizes too big it was perfect as I could smell him on it.

Michael led me and Sucre towards the death row inmate, the one Michael had something to tell me about. I wonder what it was?

"What's she doing here?" He spoke with a deep, husky voice shocking me as I stared into his eyes

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"What's she doing here?" He spoke with a deep, husky voice shocking me as I stared into his eyes.
"It was a mistake, she was sent here. Her name is Emily."
Michael spoke while holding my hand and squeezing it to warm me up.
The other inmate stared at me with pure confusion and somewhat an annoyed expression.
"Em, this is my brother Lincoln burrows, the one we're breaking out."
Michael spoke again, everything was finally getting interesting.....

hey guys! Here's a long chapter as i haven't posted in  months! I'm so sorry I've had so much going on but have chapters written out ready to publish soon so will continue uploading regularly. Once again sorry but enjoy and keep commenting and voting!! X

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