Two Stubborn Gits

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    She felt like an idiot. The navy blue skirt was honestly too high, showing way to much of her legs, the black dress shoes were uncomfortable and bit it to her skin. The entire thing was terrible, she felt like an idiot. She growled at the mirror before turning and moving into the living room.

"Seriously? I feel stupid in this." she complained, crossing her arms. Sherlock peered up at her and smirked. The stupid tosser was finding this amusing. It made her want to bash his head in. She composed herself and grabbed her school bag.

"Can I have money for a cab?" she asked. He grabbed his wallet a pulled out a few pounds, waving them at her. She snatched them from him and stomped out the door. What a knob that man was. A week living with him and she already wanted to tear his head off. He was such a prat.

"Someone's in a good mood," Amber was leaning against the wall outside of 221B holding two steaming cups of coffee in her hands. Sibley had been borrowing John's phone to text her.

"Its Sherlock, he's being an arse again," she huffed, taking one of the cups from her.

"Come on, he can't be that bad." she said.

"He told me last night that there was no way I was making it to Cambridge because I was too daft," she seethed. Amber scoffed.

"The little wanker..." she muttered, causing Sibley to chuckle and shake her head.

"Now I have to go to this stupid school in this stupid uniform for a man who thinks I myself am stupid. I also have to take year ten classes since I'm behind. This entire thing is a mess." she huffed, hailing a cab.

"It's only a year behind, I'm sure you can catch up if you wanted. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you'll make a friend," Amber offered.

"Amber, you're the only friend I've had since I was six, it's not that easy for me," Sibley sighed as they climbed into the cab and she directed the cabbie.

"Oh, come on, you're great, who wouldn't want to be your friend?"

"Sherlock Holmes." she replied.

"Sib, it's not going to help if you spend the whole day thinking about how angry you are with him. Just get through the day. If I let everything my dad said ruin my day, I'd never have a good day," Amber said.

She nodded, sighing as they pulled up to the school.

"Thanks for accompanying me. Wish me luck," she said.

"Good luck, I'll see you tonight?" she asked. Sibley nodded, paid the cabbie and exited the cab. Here goes nothing.


   Sibley walked into her flat, dropped her bag, and slid onto the floor. The men she lived with looked up at her exhausted form. Her skirt and hair were askew from the wind, her shirt was now coming untucked, and her eyes were now closed.

"I just had the worst day of my life. First I had to to sit around a bunch of fifteen year olds who don't know anything. Second I had to deal with obnoxious teenagers and their idiotic pestering. Lastly I just ran from a man who felt like it was okay to run his hands up this stupid skirt. It's hard to run in this stupid skirt. He tried to get me in his car. He wouldn't leave me alone." she rambled, not bothering to open her eyes.

"What?!" John stood angrily. Now her eyelids fluttered opened as she stared at the angry man.

"Yeah, not sure where I lost him, but he's gone now." she said.

"We'll have Mycroft look at the cameras, we'll find him." John said. Sherlock's face was blank as he watched them. His phone beeped and he looked down at it before standing.

"No need, he already caught him." he said, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" John asked him.

"Out." the door closed behind him and the two left looked at each other.

"Whatever. Of course he doesn't care." she sighed standing up and walking back into her room.

   John stood alone and sighed, shaking his head. Sherlock Holmes really needed to get his act together.


"Mycroft!" Sherlock insisted as his older brother continued to shake his head.

"No, brother, I'm not letting you indulge in some fight based off of emotions. He's just another predator and he's off the streets," Mycroft said, the picture of calm. Sherlock wanted nothing more than to pin the man that tried to take his daughter to the floor and make him bleed, but Mycroft was being annoyingly stubborn.

"To be honest, I wasn't sure you'd care. You haven't been the best of father figures, have you?" Mycroft asked.

"You're the one who says sentiment is a weakness," he grimaced.

"You have a responsibility to her, Sherlock," Mycroft replied.

"I'm not discussing how to raise my child with you. Goodbye, brother mine." with that Sherlock angrily stormed out.

   Emotion had never been Sherlock's forte and he had been dealing with more than his fair share of it lately. Seeing Bre again, finding out he had a daughter, it was too much for the normally logical man. He passed Baker Street and continued to walk, lost in thought.


   Sibley paced in front of her mirror, scissors in her hands. Sometimes she did this. She became spontaneous, would feel a lack of control, and decide to change something. Do something she did have control over. Not the mention this would help with originality in the whole uniform situation. She glanced at the blue box on her dresser, then to the scissors, then to the mirror, and smirked. She raised the silver appliance to her hair right above her shoulders and began to snip.

   Two hours later, her hair was cut right above her shoulders and dyed blue. She loved the new look. Grinning as she grabbed locks of her hair and ran her small fingers through it. The curls were still refusing to calm, but that was fine, she was good at taking care of her hair. She heard John calling her, probably for dinner, and went downstairs.

   Sherlock and John were talking quietly and didn't notice her at first. She grabbed a plate and began to pile food on it.

"Sibley?" John was looking at her with surprise, as was Sherlock.

"Yeah, the old cut was getting boring. Stop staring." she said, plopping down at a chair and pushing her father's experiments back to give her room. Sibley had become much more snarky and open with the two lately. Her original stuttering was almost non-existent around them, mainly, she was just angry with Sherlock all the time. Not that anyone could blame her, the man was insufferable.

"Your school won't like it," John said.

"Then maybe they'll kick me out and I won't have to deal with it anymore," she replied. He rolled his eyes and looked over to Sherlock, who said nothing. Right. He had two stubborn gits to live with now.

"We'll see."

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