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Sibley had been spending too much time crying lately. She had been back home for two weeks and Sherlock was being insufferable. He and John were barely getting along because of Sherlock's cruelty and whenever he spoke to her, it was in insults. He was being just straight up mean and her already fragile ego couldn't take it. She was miserable.

She was alone, laptop on her lap as she was working on school work when Amber showed up. She frowned upon seeing Sibley, bloodshot, sad, eyes, anyone could see that the girl was suffering. Amber walked over, closed the computer, and moved it to the side. She put her arm gently around her friends shoulders and instantly, Sibley was crying into her chest.

"He's being so mean. I don't know what I did!" she sobbed. Amber sighed as she rubbed her friends back in comfort.

"I know, hun, I know," she said.

"Amber, I just don't understand," she sniffed, pulling back. Amber ran her fingers through Sibley's soft hair.

"People like Sherlock Holmes don't know how to have emotion. How to love and care. You didn't do anything wrong, love." she said softly.

"I just feel so worthless." she said. Her friend frowned and pulled away so that Sibley was looking into her eyes.

"You're not, Sib," she whispered.

"But I feel like it," she sighed. Amber reached forward to push a strand of hair back behind Sibley's ear.

"Listen to me. You are not worthless. You are smart and you are funny and you are beautiful and you are kind. I love you, John loves you, by the sounds of it, half of Scotland Yard loves you. You're not worthless, do you understand me?" she asked, voice gentle but stern. Sibley gave a small nod but Amber could tell she didn't get very far with her. She shook her head and stood up.

"Come on, you need to do something fun for a change," she insisted, holding her hand out. Sibley hesitated, but took it.


As Sibley was still a bit weak and in loads of pain, she was sitting in wheelchair as she and Amber moved through the mall. After hitting several shops and Amber insisting she buy Sibley some things as she had the money, they sat at a food court.

"Okay, okay, so sex, marry, kill, 9th doctor, 10th doctor, 11th doctor, go." Amber said. Sibley's eyes widened.

"No! You can't do that! It's not fair! Ugh... man... I guess... sex with 9... Um... ergh... marry ten and... crap, uh, hug 11!" she exclaimed.

"It was kill, not hug," Amber said.

"Well, I'm not killing any of the doctors no matter what you say. I refuse!" Sibley explained, giggling. Amber smiled, happy to see her friend happy.

"Okay so I have a plan," she announced. Sibley raised an eyebrow.

"College at Cambridge, flatmates, two kittens, and a golden Labrador. We both work at a coffee shop, you perform, I serve coffee. Then we graduate, you go work as a detective and wherever you do that, I'll set up my store that will grow into a franchise that spreads across the world and you will be the next world's most famous detective!" she explained, her eyes bright. Sibley laughed.

"Sounds like a plan. One problem though, I'm ever making it into Cambridge. I used to think I could but that was before I went back to school and realized I'm not nearly as smart as I thought I was. Not like Sherlock, I got his observation skills, but that's as far as my intellect goes." she sighed. Amber flicked a chip at her, which she caught in her mouth.

"Shut up. You're just behind some. All you gotta do is get caught up and then we can go live our dreams and get away from our high maintenance fathers." Amber insisted. Sibley smiled.

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