Die Here

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It had been around one month since the fight happened and Sibley had been healing pretty well. Her father had finally let her start moving around on her own, which was good because she had been feeling herself go crazy. She walked slowly into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Lately most of her pain was just being sore from the healing process. She was still in a sling sadly, her collar bone probably was the worst of it.  

"Morning, Sibley, how you feeling?" John asked, joining her in what she felt was more a makeshift lab than a kitchen.

"Okay," she answered lazily, "I need to get out of this stupid flat though. I'm going stir crazy." she sighed.

"Well, we do need some groceries, maybe you can convince your dad to let you go to the shop." he said.

"Maybe," she replied, finishing up the tea and pouring herself some.

"So how's Sara?" she asked, blowing at the steam over her mug.

"Janette." he corrected.

"Oh... Yeah... How is she?" she asked.

"Fine. She's fine." he replied.

Sherlock came out in flannel pajama bottoms and a bare chest. His hair was a mess atop his head, and he still looked half asleep. Sibley took this as proof that he actually slept. Any time she had ever come downstairs to get water or go to the loo at night, he was awake.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty," she teased, sipping on her tea. He rolled his eyes at her and made himself some tea.

"Ya know, you would wake up easier in the morning if you'd let your body have more sleep." Sibley pointed out.

"I don't need that much sleep. Sleep is a waste of time." he spat. She chuckled, continuing to sip on her tea. It was unusually quiet due to Sherlock's drowsiness and Sibley didn't like it. John and Sherlock were on cases so often that it was always quiet when she was home. When they were there, she loved the noise and craziness of the two men.

"So, we need groceries," Sibley commented.

"Okay." Sherlock said, raising an eyebrow, wondering what she wanted.

"Maybe I could go out and get them?" she questioned.

"You're still hurt," he said.

"But I'm perfectly capable," she insisted.

"Sherlock, she'll be fine. She needs to get out. I'm a Doctor, I know." he said.

"Fine. Just be careful." he said, pulling out his wallet and handing her his card. She nodded with a grin. As she stood up to go get dressed she planted a kiss on her father's cheek and rushed to her bedroom.


Sibley finished paying and grabbed the bags of groceries. A shop worker helped her, seeing as she only had one free arms and couldn't carry the rest, and helped her to her cab. She thanked him as she climbed in.

"You're 'olmes kid, right?" the cabbie asked. She squinted her eyebrows. Did the public find out? She sighed, assuming she was in all the papers now.

"Maybe, why?" she asked.

"Ya know, 'olmes witnessed my father die," the man said. Her heart began to speed up as warning lights flashed in her mind.

"O-oh, did he?" she asked, inching closer to the door of the cab.

"Yeah. Hadn't seen my father in some time, he left us money," the cabbie said.

"That's g-good." she said.

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