Stories Unsaid

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A/N: Meet the cast:Dr.Maya Sharma🔝

Maya saw her phone flashing with the message from her brother. A smug smile slowly crept into her face when she read that he was coming to pick her up. She loved the fact that Manik couldn't refuse her no matter how hard he tries. Maya always had her way with her arrogant little brother.

Maya thought of all those years that they were apart from each other. When her Dad remarried she had been sixteen and Manik was 11. She had always felt something off with her stepmother. When her Dad died Nyonika showed her real face. Her thirst for money and power scared Maya. Then one day she just ran away. Her heart broke when she had to leave her little brother but she had no other option. She had no idea where her own future would lead her. So she left promising herself to come back for Manik as soon as she was on her own legs. An old family friend of her dad Alok Sharma took her in and kept her away from Nyonica's claws. When she was old enough he sent her abroad for graduation. Even when she was away she constantly checked on Manik with the help of a few servants of the Malhothra mansion. After her graduation she fell in love and got married to Adithya Sharma, Alok Sharma's son. She had a beautiful daughter Shivani. Five years back Maya came to know that her brother was in the hospital fighting for his life. She decided to come back. By the time she reached Mumbai Manik was out of the hospital and on his legs but his condition wasn't any different. She still flinched when she thought about the night she saw Manik. He had staggered straight in front of her car drunk in the middle of the road. It was luck that had made her apply the brakes just on time. She was ready to lash out at the guy when she recognized him as Manik. She had only seen his photos till then, but the sight that met her eyes made her heart clench. He was broken and she understood it from his desperate eyes.

Maya shook herself awake from all the memories. Packing her stuff she rushed outside. She didn't want to test Manik's patience any longer.

Maya spotted him at a distance sulking around his car. Just when she was about to call out to him, she saw Nandini walk straight into him shuffling through her bag. Maya flinched knowing very well about Manik's short temper. On cue, Manik turned her around angrily with a firm grip on her arm. Maya was all ready to step in and save her when she noticed a sudden change in the atmosphere. She curiously watched the pair getting lost in each other's eyes...


Nandini felt herself drown in his deep brown eyes. She saw a myriad of emotions flashing through it- shock, relief, longing, hurt and something else that she couldn't quite had been five years since she had been this close to him. Her hands were resting on his broad chest while her eyes followed every angle of his face.

Manik was too shocked to see her right in front of him and in his arms. His hand tightened a bit more in reflex. He struggled to hold on to reality as he felt himself lose in her soulful eyes. She still had the same aura of purity and beauty that had always attracted him. Her jhumkas still taunted him exactly like before. Manik struggled to maintain his composure when reality struck him. His eyes turned hard covering up his momentary relapse.

Nandini saw his eyes turn cold & braced herself. He jerked her closer to him and said in a low voice

"What an unpleasant surprise Ms. Nandini Murthy. Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm your ex-boyfriend, the one you left to die in exchange for a stack of money. Remember?"

Nandini winced at the cold accusations thrown at her.

"Manik ... I .."

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