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The episode starts with Naira looking up at Kartik.

Naira:- After that my life turned into a living hell when...


One day Yuvraj took Naira for shopping as Naira's family came. To show them that he loves Naira very much he did everything for her.

Yuvraj was buying clothes for Naira. Till now they never got intimate. Suddenly they heard someone calling Naira's name.

They turned and saw a boy of Naira's age. He came and hugged Naira. Naira knew Yuvraj will not spare her now.

Boy broke the hug.

Boy:- Naira you didn't call me on your wedding!

Naira:- Meet my husband Yuvraj!

Boy:- Hi! I'm Harman! Naira's college friend.

Harman got a call. He left from there. Yuvraj looked angrily at Naira.

Naira:- Yuvraj woh...

Yuvraj:- Today your family is leaving. After that see what I do! Shut your bloody mouth.

Naira was scared more now. They went home. Naira's family left. Yuvraj closed the door. He brought the horse whip and started beating Naira.

Yuvraj tore Naira's saree. He wrapped Naira's mouth with a cloth so that she can't scream. Yuvraj dragged Naira to their room.

Yuvraj:- Today I'll show you what it means to betray a husband. You love touching other men na! Till now we didn't get intimate. Now you see the worst side of mine.

Yuvraj picked up Naira and threw her on the bed. Yuvraj tore away Naira's clothes and brutally molested her.

Next Morning

Naira was sitting like a lifeless body. She was broken completely. Her heart and her soul crushed into million of pieces.

All this happened Atleast for 4 months. Yuvraj used to molest and beat Naira every day.

On fine day Naira was working in kitchen. She felt like vomiting. Naira went inside washroom and vomited.

Naira called Yuvraj and told that she's not well. Yuvraj took her to hospital. Naira was happy because she was pregnant. Yuvraj was also happy.

Naira thought that Yuvraj will get fine Atleast for his child.

1 month went well

Yuvraj behaved normally with Naira. Naira was now just living for her baby.

One day

Naira was sitting in hall and placing white orchids.

Yuvraj came from office. He got angry. He held those white orchids.

Yuvraj:- I hate white orchids can't you understand! Now eat them!

Naira was crying. Yuvraj pulled up Naira and opened her mouth. He filled her mouth with white orchids. Naira vomited out.

Naira:- Yuvraj I'm pregnant!

Yuvraj:- I don't care!

Naira fell on Yuvraj's feet. She was crying.

Naira:- Why are doing this Yuvraj? Why are you torturing me?

Yuvraj was hell angry now. He pulled up Naira and slapped her many times.

Yuvraj:- You will question me! Your husband! I'm your husband how dare you ask me questions?

Yuvraj pushed Naira due to Which Naira's stomach hit the dining table. Naira screamed in pain. Naira started bleeding. Yuvraj took her to hospital.

Naira had miscarriage due to that incident. Naira saw Yuvraj coming inside. She got up and slapped Yuvraj.

Naira:- You killed my child! I tolerated your nuisance because I thought you will change but no there's no change in you. I can't live with you anymore. I want divorce!

Yuvraj angrily left from there. Naira sat in the bed completely broken.

After getting discharge Naira went to her house. She saw people standing there. Yuvraj too was standing there and was crying. Naira went near and saw her parents dead body.

Naira fell near their bodies crying. She wasn't able to believe that first her child left her and now her parents. Yuvraj bent and sat beside her.

Yuvraj:- Liked my gift! Will you talk abt Divorce now?

Naira was shocked. She saw him giving her a smirk.

Yuvraj:- You are thinking Right Naira! I killed your parents. I thought of gifting this to you as alimony!

Naira had enough. After cremating her parents body. Naira went to the lawyer and filed case against Yuvraj.

Luckily she got evidence against Yuvraj due to her medical tests and cctv footage. Yuvraj fixed cctv cameras in every corner of their house.

After seeing those evidences,Yuvraj was handed over to mental asylum. Listening to this Yuvraj confessed that he killed Naira's parents.

Punishment was changed. It was that after Yuvraj gets well he will be hanged till death.


Kartik was shocked. Shock was an understatement for him.

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