First Day

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In a university there were many students who are Esperanza picked by the Representative.

     First day of school, there were many things to consider in first day. Like new things, new school, new teacher and many more. Especially your new classmates that would be your new friends???


Before he go to school he should buy first what would be  needed, so to be prepared Jihoon go to shopped on a mall at a situation that he is shopping he accidentally bumped to someone's body.Then there were Guanlin, Jihoons face becomes red and started to blush and  said sorry to what happened "Be Careful" Guanlin said.

After the incident......
Why am I blusbing?? Jihoon said Did I just met my Destiny? Nahhh..... That ain't gonna happen.I should go to the counter now,but when he go to the counter he saw Guanlin with someone bedsides him and it's Daehwi. "Why am I fell like I m jealous with them??"
"Next costumer please!" (2x)the cashier clerk said.
Oh Im sorry it just I see something strange that I couldn't even imagine.

Then Let's go back to the story

Jihoon is very excited because it was his first year in university, as if he was the first one who searched his name in a poster, then he found his name at the section A-Einstein. He quickly rushes to find the room and he is the first one to arrived  seems like he is too excited..

*After 10 minutes the students keeps entering to the room*
And he was surprised because............

There are many people that he didn't expect to come.
"Jihoon!" Jinyoung called him and waved his hand with a smiling face.
Hello! Long time no see, oh yeah it's been a while since we talked and see each other. "Babe!" Hello babe Jinyoung said to his boyfriend Daehwi
Suddenly Jihoon's eyes become to widen, what did I just see? Oh have we met before ??, Oh In the mall right? Yes!! I thought you were Guanlin's, "No I just come with him because he wants to buy some school supplies but he doesn't know what to buy so I came with him, Please don't get a wrong idea" Ahh I thought you two were dating "Then Jinyoung smirked" no they aren't my babe Daehwi won't cheat on me right?  Yes my babe, by the way nice meeting you Jihoon. It's a pleasure to meet you too.

Did everyone here? I'll check my attendance.
Bae Jinyoung: Here Sir
Cha Din Woo:Here Sir!
Lai Guanlin?....

Then suddenly someone enter to the door , Present Sir, Guanlin said .Why are you late at your First class? Traffic Sir, BTW go find yourself a comfortable seat.Thank You Sir.
Can I seat beside you? Asking permission to Jihoo, Sure he answered. Thanks Wait,Wait,Wait have we met.... In the mall right you were the one who bumped me!
Sorry it's not my fault,he said with a sad face,then Guanlin said Joke!!! Don't mind it it's not a big deal.
Lunch break:

Want to get some lunch? Guanlin said, Ahmmm.Sure let's go? Sure!

At the Canteen;

Should we first start with greetings? Sure !! Hi, My name is Lai Guanlin, Im 16 years old, I'm literally from China but I am studying here in Korea. How about you? Ahmm. My name is Park Jihoon I m 18 years old Im a Korean cause I leave here In Korea.
Guanlin laughed"Hahahahhaha"Kiyowo.. Of course your a Korean as I thought for you. Do you , Guanlin have friends here? Ahmm yes I have my friends are in different sections,you? Do you have any friends?  Of course I have..
You ate well huh ?? Wait there's something in your mouth then Guanlin kissed Jihoon's lips "What did you do?" Kissed? There's something in your face there's a sauce on it so I licked it . C'mon you should even just told me!! But you were enjoying it so much so I couldn't say it. Okay thanks.
Then the Bell rings

We should get going now should we???SURE Let's go..
After the School....
Wait Jihoon you forgot your books! Oh thank you Guan.Your welcome!
I should get going to then. Can I come with you?
Why??? nothing because  I just feel comfortable with you and in fact our house are just near apart . Really? Jihoon said. Then should we go now?? Okay.
"Give me your bag! Guanlin said"
Why? Let me carry it it looks like your suffering from it. Oh no thanks , But suddenly Guanlin get my bag and lift it,"I Don't Want You To Suffer From It"
But its heavy!!! Gwenchana really?? Yes.
We should split now!!
Oh right were here Bye-Bye

*Guanlin pushed me to look at him then he suddenly kisses me in lip and say Goodbye and Goodnight*

I dont know why I blushed and fells hot it's not that it's morning and there's no sun at all, us it because he is super hot that even my heart fells hot though there's no sun or did I fell In love with him??????Oh no!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading this, I'm just a newbie  and I lack some skills so please consider it !!! And by the way the other characters will be aired in the next chapter. So don't forgot to rate and comment. I hope you had a great day expending time with my story. This is just a new story so be considerate while waiting for my next chapter. Thank You So Much!!!

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